How do you play unlimited rebuy tournies?



Advanced beginner
Silver Level
Sep 20, 2006
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It's crazy. Unlimited rebuys until the 8th round, so people bet anything, lose, and reload. It's actually worse than freerolls! This is only the second time I played the Wild West tourney at Costa del Poker, where it's 0.50 Euros to buy in 500 chips, but unlimited rebuys.

55 players, 548 rebuys! I think the only ones that didn't rebuy were me and a disconnected player at my table. :p

Is it really worth it to rebuy? One guy at my table rebought 3 times in the space of maybe 1 1/2 orbits. Another guy busted, rebought immediately for 5,000 (10 Euros) chips which was the average at the time. Another guy (who lasted until the final table and ended up in the money) topped up during the last rebuy break from 2,000 to 10,000.

I just played my original 0.50 buyin, played mostly tight. I hit the break a little below average, and won. 108 Euros. :rock: Good ROI on that one.

I think because everyone plays like maniacs until the rebuy period is over, they don't stop so if you make it to the rebuy end you can outlast them playing tight and then stealing blinds.


I'm confused
Silver Level
Jun 30, 2006
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Playing like a maniac in a rebuy is pretty standard. It's really the way most pros play and recommend playing. If you don't mix it up you you will usually find yourself way behind at the break. Not saying you can't play somewhat tight, you can, but you have to be willing to put all your chips in in marginal situations.
Egon Towst

Egon Towst

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jun 26, 2006
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Although I like Rebuys, that Wild Wesr tourney at CDP is especially crazy.

You got a good result, well done. :D

If you want to try a slightly more sensible game, which still attracts shoals of Lagfish and generates a good prize pool without being full of complete retards, try Titan. Their rebuy tourneys only allow you to rebuy when you have zero chips and only allow a single add-on, which calms it down a little bit.


Cardschat Elite
Bronze Level
Sep 11, 2005
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Funny you should ask, NineLions I play in those alot. I hated them in the beginniing then I took time to pay attention and realize how the play goes there, I sit with my first 500/1000 chips for as long as I don't get a premium hand,;) I try to wait out and take notes as everyone is donking away, I love watchin them take each other out. And the rebuys.(gotta love them) The first thing I do before I start this event is set a $$ amount and stick to it, cause you can get caught up in the frenzy of things and not pay attention if your buying a quarter or 50 cents at a time you could lose track of what your spending (so do it all at once hopefully at break. If I decide I have a strong enough hand with my 1000 chips yes I will go all in preflop cause now I know who I'm dealing with at the tables. 80% I hit. I usually won't go over the 5 to 10 € mark depending how I feel. I still only play premium hands till break and what ever I haven't spent at break I will add on and thats it. After that then I play the game, a little more aggressive as the blinds are getting huge fast and you can't just sit. Here is an example for you. Just played this a couple of days ago. I was sitting at 16,000 chips at first break and bought in at 7.50€ I was to spend 10 but I was mid field of players, believe there were about 500 or so to start and only a couple hundred left at break, so I didn't:p


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Advanced beginner
Silver Level
Sep 20, 2006
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I will try some more, since my result was good, and now I have some money to throw at it :).

It's crazier than anything else I've tried. Because the rebuy/top-up is unlimited, you don't even have to wait for the next one like a freeroll, and you're not even restricted in your rebuys like the one you mention, Egon. Yikes! Get the nuts, and people throw their money at you. Had AA, tried to tell the guy I had a hand but he called me to the river having flopped a pair of 2s.

But a big change at the final table. No more rebuys, blinds increase slower, and people trying to hang on with 2-3 x BB and only pushing with decent hands, which chewed into some larger stacks who called them. It took forever for 7, 6, 5 to go out. Do you find that generally the case, Aloe?


Cardschat Elite
Bronze Level
Sep 11, 2005
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I find that too as well, once they itm, they sit and wait for the right moment to push, the last 4 to 5 people it becomes a shoveament match and best hand is goin to win. Or should we say a coin toss at that point.
Good Luck NineLions, maybe we'll get together and play in one over there, thay can be so funny sometimes.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 17, 2005
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Rebuy tournaments are a great source of income. Think of it this way in a rebuy tournament there are less players and more money then a freeze out. Yesterday I took 3rd in a live tourny that was only $55 and received $690 . This was only 20 players. All you have to do is play tight and normal. Wait for the players that go all in to make a move and take them down. Most people that play these tournaments are action junkies. When the time comes that they cant rebuy your soild play will pay off.


Silver Level
Oct 1, 2006
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I recently took a big cash in 1 of these and i think the question about whether to rebuy is defunct you cannot win without rebuying. My views on the subject are for you to buy in for 10 k chips in the beginning now this is a lot of money compared to original buy in but only costs 10 euros in a .50 wild west. The worst amount of money u can win in these is always around 20 euros so if you cash u are +ev. To sit and try and play a short stack is pointless because pple buy in for up to 50 euros so to leave yourself with under 3000 chips is silly. Only play these if you have the bankroll to withstand them as the buy in should go up to 15-20 euros if u get unlucky early on.

When i took my big cash i bought in for 10k chips and ended up first break 50k ABout 100k 2nd break and 1.2 million 3rd break and final break had 3.9 million so as long as you r around 100k at the second break i#it doesnt really matter how you get there but ffs play tight because there r a lot of fish who will give you chips if you wait for good hands. they are very good ways to win big but i would suggest playing them only if you dont tilt because u will get massive bad beats along the way

and what u said bout tightening up later on maybe the shortstacks do but the big stacks are going all out for win so if u got chips it is crazy


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Advanced beginner
Silver Level
Sep 20, 2006
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Nice win Stefanicov. In the one I was in only the last 3 paid decently; 108, 54, 26, and then it dropped to like 19 down to 11 for 9th. The average rebuy was more than 10 Euros, so if you rebought that much you need to win, show, or place to come out much ahead. Mind you this was in the evening my time, meaning probably early morning in Europe.

So I take it from you and Aloe have said it's pretty unusual for someone to win without rebuying at all then? The one I was in paid less than yours, so using your strategy I guess I coulda/shoulda rebought to 5 Euros.

I've been thinking about it, and I may have been the reason that it took so long for 7, 6, and 5th place to get taken out. During that time I was the big stack, with 2x the next biggest stack but because I saw the small stacks waiting for decent hands to push, I stayed out of their way unless I had a hand. Instead I stole blinds and bullied my way to take pots to maintain my position. The one big call I made was when 4th and 3rd both pushed but I had a hand and took them both out. Very next hand the last guy pushed w/K3o but unfortunately I had QQ so it finished real quick.


Cardschat Elite
Bronze Level
Sep 11, 2005
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o.k I hear where your coming from Steve,;) but I'm a regular there. I can't afford to buy in 20€-50€, each and everytime I go to one of these events, I would be broke in no time, I play sometimes 1-2 a day there, I would say only itm maybe 1/2 of that. sometimes it will only cover the prize I already paid.

I say the less you buy the more value you get, just have to play to win.:p Many many of times I have been the shortstack in these events and have taken a profitable win, those are the ones I'm proud of.:D

So say I played two of these events (the one I itmd in) today and put forth my buy in which would be 100€ (50x2) I make 79€ but lost the tourney earlier, now I'm in the negative, 21€
My way I'm still up!!:) here's a couple more examples.

Low buy-ins more profit.


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Silver Level
Mar 14, 2007
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I have made one re-buy and that was a waste of time. Doesn't seem to make sense to me. When you go all-in you're all-in. The number of chips does not matter. It may not be the smartest approach but it's mine.


Silver Level
Jan 23, 2009
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if its the daily dollar rebuy i play like a complete donk untill the rebuy is over lol, but if its say a $5 and above rebuy i just stick to my normal tight agressive ways, but sometimes mixing it up hehe :)


Silver Level
Feb 22, 2009
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I honestly hate rebuys but after reading this thread maybe it's time to give them another shot.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 10, 2010
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I honestly hate rebuys but after reading this thread maybe it's time to give them another shot.

i agree lol!

i can't stand rebuys as everyone just plays like donks and doesn't care about rebuying.. maybe i need to assess the way i play a rebuy.

nice wins guys


Silver Level
Jul 31, 2007
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Well it actually depends on alot of factors for me..

1) How many re-buys am I willing to actually par-take in
2) How big is my BR
3) How close to the end of the Re-buy period Am I
4) What's the Average stack?

So it really depends on these factors for me


Advanced beginner
Silver Level
Sep 20, 2006
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? Why unearth a thread from 3 years ago?

That site that I won the rebuy on has since been shut down even.


Silver Level
Nov 7, 2007
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I was reading the OP and wondering why on Earth you were playing tourneys.

Then I read the date and lol'd.


Silver Level
Aug 9, 2009
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Funny you should ask, NineLions I play in those alot. I hated them in the beginniing then I took time to pay attention and realize how the play goes there, I sit with my first 500/1000 chips for as long as I don't get a premium hand,;) I try to wait out and take notes as everyone is donking away, I love watchin them take each other out. And the rebuys.(gotta love them) The first thing I do before I start this event is set a $$ amount and stick to it, cause you can get caught up in the frenzy of things and not pay attention if your buying a quarter or 50 cents at a time you could lose track of what your spending (so do it all at once hopefully at break. If I decide I have a strong enough hand with my 1000 chips yes I will go all in preflop cause now I know who I'm dealing with at the tables. 80% I hit. I usually won't go over the 5 to 10 € mark depending how I feel. I still only play premium hands till break and what ever I haven't spent at break I will add on and thats it. After that then I play the game, a little more aggressive as the blinds are getting huge fast and you can't just sit. Here is an example for you. Just played this a couple of days ago. I was sitting at 16,000 chips at first break and bought in at 7.50€ I was to spend 10 but I was mid field of players, believe there were about 500 or so to start and only a couple hundred left at break, so I didn't:p

I agree with setting a limit on the rebuys. And I agree with the other comments that you should be willing to do a rebuy. And, unless you happen to have a huge stack, plan on making the addon. I budget 2 rebuys and the addon -- which should add up to no more than an amount within my BRM limit. Because others play so nutty, I often don't have to rebuy at all because my range is so much smaller than most. That said, the rebuys are helpful when that unexpected bad beat hits you. The rebuy, for me, keeps me from tilting -- but it seems that others go crazier each time they rebuy. Love it. I can, sometimes, imagine I hear them screaming at their computers. Tilt City.

Some people start to compare their stacks with the chipleaders leading up to the end of rebuy time, but, to me, that's foolishness. If you have doubled your stack once and then addon, you will usually be in the middle of the pack. And, remember, most of those chipleaders have been playing very recklessly -- many will not even cash because they get in the groove of wildly aggressive play. Pay them no mind, but do be wary when one is at your table -- treat them like a maniac.

The great thing about rebuy tourneys is that so many players throw so much money into the pot -- and then bust -- that the money for the cashers and at the final table is much larger than it would be at a regular tournament of the same initial buyin or even a tourney at the equivalent of buyin+2 rebuys+addon. It can be great for those who keep their head throughout.

@ Aloe -- looks like you really have the hang of these things. Congrats!