Combusto Broad
Rising Star
Bronze Level
Hello, since my hubby and diablo are having this OK Corral thing going on, I wanted to ask you all a question. Which is more difficult, playing on-line or live poker? I have had about five months experience playing on-line. The ONE time I played live was at Foxwoods casino. I sat down at a table and everyone there had at least 100 bucks in front of them. I pulled out a measly 20 dollar bill and my hand shook as I gave it to the dealer. My first hand was pretty good.....A J off suit. I tried to go all in, and the guys at the end of the table started saying how good I was. The dealer looked at me perplexed and said, "Lady, this is a limit table." I laughed it off and bet the limit of 4 dollars. I won that hand, seems I scared everyone off willing to bet so big from the beginning (I also had a pair of A's on the flop) . But ended up loosing all my money about an hour later trying to bluff. I did not have enough experience (or intellect for that matter) to know that bluffing was not a good tactic in limit hold em. So for those of you who have played both live and on-line poker, which takes more skill?