Ace de Espadas
Rising Star
Bronze Level
I was playing with my friends yesterday (Limit Hold'em) and I was picking up a ton of small pots and must have won like 10 hands in a row. So I drove some guys into the ground and it was down to two of us. I really wanted to kick his ass because I've never played with him before and he thinks since Im not a very serious person, I will suck at the tables. So anyways me and him were going at it until he said "Ok I gotta do something at 8 so this next hand is an all in hand." To my believes these hands where you go all in are completely luck. There is no stratagy at all. So I get some crappy ass hand like
and he gets

He went on to win and I am just going to argue that, that wasn't a real win. WHat do you think?
He went on to win and I am just going to argue that, that wasn't a real win. WHat do you think?