Top 10 Thread Topics (Warning long and boring!!!)



Silver Level
May 16, 2005
Total posts
I’ve been a member here for several months now and have found this to be an enjoyable site with some exciting personalities. Though I haven’t had many “quality” posts I do skim most of the new threads. Being somewhat new to poker, I’ve tried to comment intelligently on the subject but have usually bitten my tongue and absorbed the information that everyone here has to offer, good or bad.

Given that I have some free time this morning (my tee off time is later in the afternoon!!!) I thought I’d put together a Top 10 list of the most popular thread topics on cardschat including a newbie’s comments. (Trying to make up for lack of participation, all in one thread!!) Now, this is totally through my eyes and I’m doing this just for fun so light-hearted comments are more than appreciated!

Top 10 Thread Topics on Cardschat

Online Poker is Rigged

“I had this, this flopped, this turned, and then this rivered. It has to be rigged.”

“I never catch. It has to be rigged.”

“I’ve only played a few months but logically it’s in the best interest of the site to rig the games for newbies to fish them in.”

Koy’s Komment – I’m not a serious player so I really don’t care since I don’t play with big stacks and play mostly for fun. If you play with big stacks, I’d care but really, what are you going to do? What can you do? (If anyone knows who to contact if you’re “certain” a site is rigged it would be interesting to know who that is and what they can/will do about it.)

How do I play Freerolls?

“I always get knocked out in the first hour. What am I doing wrong?”

“This clown calls my all-in with a J8 os and catches. I hate freerolls.”

Koy’s Komment – My take is that freerolls are the Wild West of poker. People will play anything and everything. They either don’t know or don’t care. Play tight and safe until all the No-shows are blinded out. (But they’re freerolls, so have some fun too!!) On a side note, I love busting people out especially more than one on a single hand. Yes, I’m an ass.

Favourite Starting Hand

“I like JT os. I don’t know why, I just do.”

“I like 27 os. I know it’s the worst but I love to catch on the flop.”

I hate these "Favorite starting hands" threads. The only answer should be AA.” Four Dogs

Koy’s Komment – I have to concur with 4D on this one. For me the only starting hand that I love to see is AA. Even with KK, I’m always thinking about A’s, straights, and flushes. (Actually, with AAs, I’m thinking about straights and flushes too!!)

Pocket Aces (Kings)

“How do you play pocket aces?”

“I always get beat with aces. What am I doing wrong?”

“I hate Pocket Rockets.”

Koy’s Komment – For me the best way to play a strong starting hand is aggressively. If you let anyone see cards for cheap they’re likely to catch something on the flop, turn and if you let them stay around, the river. Now, I’m not talking all-in but a good strong raise. What is a good, strong raise? My feelings is about 3-4 x the big blind. I’ve found that this usually folds any A6s, 78s, and even some KJs. But if there are callers, it’s all about the flop.

Can I Get a Password?

“I noticed cardschat has a freeroll at Noble. Can I get the password?”

“Another forum has a freeroll at Paradise. Does anyone have the password?”

“How do I get the password for the freeroll? Where do I find it?”

Koy’s Komment – Absolutely hate it when I see passwords posted on forums, especially for cardschat tournaments. Brutal. Passwords are a perk for being a valuable member. I don’t really understand why people would give someone else these perks for free.


“Did you see the WSOP?”

“I can’t believe Daniel did that?”

“Isn’t Jennifer Tilly just hot?!! And she can play!!!”

Koy’s Komment – I love the WSOP. I have no visions of grandeur of one day winning a bracelet but I would love to go down there and check out the scene. The atmosphere must be electric. I’ve been to Vegas only once but the city is something else. Does anyone ever sleep down there? Was walking around the strip at 4 in the morning and there were still a ton of people strolling about as if it was noon.

Professional Poker Players

“Who’s your favourite?”

“I love Helmuth causes he’s such an ass!”

“Doyle’s my fav, cause I’m so old school.”

“Greenstein is my favourite cause he’s done so much for other people.”

Koy’s Komment – I don’t really have a favourite but I’m somewhat partial to Johnny Chan since I love the scene in Rounders where Matt Damon says, “I’m sorry, John. I don’t remember.” Classic. I use that in my live games. (Although, not with total strangers as I don’t want to get the beats!!)

This Site is Horrible

“Never play this site. I couldn’t withdraw any of my winnings.”

“This site has the worst players ever. They had no idea what they were doing.”

“This site’s software sucks. Horrible.”

Koy’s Komment – I usually play on Noble, Absolute and Paradise and I’ve never had a problem with them before. Most of the sites have the same basic features and the only differences that I notice are the colours and the setup of the tables. (Pokerroom has a great feature which shows the percentage of winning for each hand when there is a showdown.) Most times I take the “trouble with withdrawing” with a grain of salt. Not that anyone is lying or anything but we’re only hearing one side of the story and when’s the last time anyone has posted a thread saying, “I bashed this site for not giving me my money but after some investigation it turns out it’s my fault. I’m sorry.”

Bad Beats

“Here’s my bad beat story….”

“I hate bad beats.”

“I’ve been on a bad beat for the past 4 weeks. Brutal!!!”

Koy’s Komment – Bad beats happen since poker is all about odds. (A bit of being able to “read” your opponent is helpful too.) I feel that some beats can be avoided if people just knew more about the odds. I also think that some bad beats aren’t really bad beats, they’re just idiot plays by loose players who want to blame someone for their losing ways. (I majored in math and stats in University so I know a little about odds. Although not enough for me to come out a winner all the time! I should’ve paid more attention in class. Damn those keggers!!!)

Where Are The Best Freerolls

“I’m new, where are good freerolls?”

“Any good freerolls out there?”

Koy’s Komments – Well, I’m guilty here. I believe I’ve asked about freerolls when I first started out. I should have done some searching and read some threads before asking. My bad. There are tons of freerolls out there, if they’re your thing. Absolute has several daily freerolls and bet365 has some large money ones too.


Sep 7, 2004
Total posts
Excellent thread Koy, nice selection of threads, this could be a good q&a article.


Silver Level
Apr 20, 2005
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you forgot my favorites to read.

Did I play this right?
hand history from site...... and there conclusion.

I love to read these. There is no way anyone else can tell you different. They were not at the table for the last 1/2 hour to get the reads that you had or did not have.

You get quotes from 20 different people/books on how to play this hand etc. who are all right according to their style of play.


Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
Total posts
Great post Koy, now if all the newbies would read this, maybe we could stop these threads from starting up again.


Suckout Queen
Silver Level
May 22, 2005
Total posts
This is a great thread!!! I just love "Koy's Komments". Maybe Nick will add you as a Dear Abby of the chat room:icon_flow :stupido: :icon_flow


Silver Level
Feb 1, 2005
Total posts
that blows all of my posts out of the water!!good stuff
Four Dogs

Four Dogs

Silver Level
Apr 13, 2005
Total posts
I think we have a cardschat All-Star in the making here.


Silver Level
May 30, 2005
Total posts
Oh stop if fourdogs, you're just happy someone quoted you. LMAO. Just kidding, I had to flame you, I just got back.
Four Dogs

Four Dogs

Silver Level
Apr 13, 2005
Total posts
Thank God! Every one here has been so nice! This place is a tomb without a villain!


Silver Level
May 30, 2005
Total posts
I know, I figured as much. I posted somewhere else that there will be some very disappointed Cardschatters when the log on today and see me terrorizing the masses again.


Silver Level
May 25, 2005
Total posts
i liked most of what u said even if some of it was tounge and cheek humor


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 4, 2005
Total posts
Online Poker is Rigged

“I had this, this flopped, this turned, and then this rivered. It has to be rigged.”

“I never catch. It has to be rigged.”

“I’ve only played a few months but logically it’s in the best interest of the site to rig the games for newbies to fish them in.”

Koy’s Komment – I’m not a serious player so I really don’t care since I don’t play with big stacks and play mostly for fun. If you play with big stacks, I’d care but really, what are you going to do? What can you do? (If anyone knows who to contact if you’re “certain” a site is rigged it would be interesting to know who that is and what they can/will do about it.)

I'm afraid Koy I am not very happy about the way you mentioned that post. You seem to miss the point of what people are talking about. First of all "
“I never catch. It has to be rigged.” -- Please show me where you saw this? If you didn't... you have mis quoted to prove your point. Which in itself isn't very good is it now...

Secondly: "
“I had this, this flopped, this turned, and then this rivered. It has to be rigged.” -- once again this is a mis quote, and theories of poker rigged online is not on the basis of one hand. I was bad beat on a 0.5% chance in real life but i didnt blame him for cheating! You are mis seeing the point of the ENTIRE topic

“I’ve only played a few months but logically it’s in the best interest of the site to rig the games for newbies to fish them in.” --- Please show me where it was said the site is purposly rigged for newbies?

I am afraid to say I am actually quite disgruntled at your mis quoting and stereotyping of these people. If i were you i'd read a FULL THREAD rather than bits, and if I were you I'd keep your opinions to opinion and not mis quote people and make them sound bad for things that haven't been said.

Please correct me if Im wrong about anything here. :/

p.s I understand that most of the topic is in humour and that mis quotes were purposful, but it really does mis the point and is a completely different topic of conversation.