Rising Star
Bronze Level
Hello my bankroll is resting at a nice 125$ from my original $50. Now i have a deep question. I win many pots that I shouldn't by good bluffing and having good notes on my players. I got a maniac to put me all in for 37$ on the river with my full house when he had jack high(not flush just jack high rofl). I overbet the pot on the river to make it look like i was bluffing and i knew he would try to bluff me out. Also vs calling stations i check with them and they lose valuable bets by just playing passively and when i outdraw them (straight or flush) i bet more than usual also because i KNOW they will call with just a pair. Vs the tight (Sometimes scared) players I know when to bluff them out of pots etc. and i know when to stay out of there way. My question is am I playing correctly or do i need to play tighter? I play a very unique style (many many hands esp in late positon) in which i counter my opponent i very rarely play my own cards for value except vs calling stations. Also lately I call with low connected cards in a raised pot very often because they simply cannot let go of AA or KK when i got a straight a flush trips even when i make it painfully obvious. Now am I doing ok playing it right on this limit? Any suggestions to help me get more of a profit? Should I move up limits? I Realize if i move up i will need to be tighter which I CAN do. I played upper limits (for me ; )) $(1/2) maybe a little too much for my bankroll) but i won almost 40$ in an hour. I only played like 3 or 4 hands outside the BB and folded my SB pretty mcuh everytime except when i limped in with 10 10) those hands were AA AK and QQ maybe an AQ or KQ suited (i forgot) and everytime i raised i had some A10 or KQ call me and get destroyed when we both hit the flop well. Is this correct to play this tight on this level? And also is it ok for me to use my skill to outplay weaker opponents on lower limits. I use Brunsons way of winning many many small pots then being super aggressive on a huge pot. Its a winning formula. Also in reference to my judgement yesterday i had a kid simply call me on the flop( a medium bet) then we both chcecked ( i had a pair) on the river i checked and he overbet the pot by about 2.5x. I saw two spades on the flop and figured he was on a flush draw. So i called him with my pair of 4 and he had A high (sadly it wasnt a flush draw he was chasing it was a gutshot straight draw lol) was this a good call based on judgement or was i just lucky. Sorry for all the questions but u guys are super smart and good at poker I figure Id try to learn from better more experienced players. My name is Joseph and im 19 years old a beginner i consider myself but i study alot! Esp Super System. Thanks for your help guys!