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I'm amazed by how many answers are so much like your's here ^Without a doubt, if you play irresponsibly, then you can lose everything in poker, just like in any other gambling game. But thanks to freerolls and free tickets, with the right strategy, you can always have a small income, it will be a pleasant bonus from the game.
You just need to know how to manage your bankroll properly. For example, if pokerstars gives me a $0.50 Power Path Ticket for a few hands in cash every day, I'm in. And so every poker room has its own Challenges. Here on fulfillment of the Challenges I am always ready to invest in poker. For everything else I have freerolls.One thing you should know. Poker is a fun game but it should never be a source of income. So don't think you are smart and save your money before you regret it.
Well, with this logic, it’s better not to start playing poker at all, it will just be a pointless waste of time.One thing you should know. Poker is a fun game but it should never be a source of income. So don't think you are smart and save your money before you regret it.