RIP Logic, Sanity, and Democracy
.....the rebate fish!!!!
When you stumble upon this creature in its natural habitat, run, don't walk to the nearest exit!!!
Scene: Last night on pokerstars micro NLHE table.
The Players:
Pete, one good TAG 4 later in the rotation, six other fair to moderate players.
Enter the dreaded rebate fish into the open seat halfway between Pete and the TAG.
Characteristics of a rebate fish:
Folded a total of about 2 hand over an hours time. Calls ANY PF bet of ANY size with ANY two cards. Calls to the river with Ace high.
Key characteristic that distinguishes
a rebate fish form any other species:
The rebate fish is especially adept at cracking high pocket pairs or drawing runner, runner full houses after being put all-in......but ONLY when faced with a TAG holding the nut straight or nut flush. Guaranteed to strike once an orbit per TAG at the table. Guaranteed to LOSE to EVERY OTHER player at the table once per orbit.
This guy sat down with about $1.38. The other TAG and myself had about $5 each. Over the next couple of hours, this guy managed to consistently take whatever either I took or the TAG took from the other players plus $.02 or $.03 each and every orbit. He would then lose it all back except about $.05 to every other player at the table. We both had this guy allin a number of times, only to have him hit runner 9,2 or runner 10,5 for a boat of 2's full of 9's or 5's full of tens!!!
By the time the both the TAG and I were "put out of our misery", and decided not to re-buy at this table, the guy had amassed $12.00........approximately my stack, the TAG's stack and his starting bankroll.......and really not a penny more......everyone else at the table had approximately as much as they had when he sat truley was absolutely amazing to watch.
When you stumble upon this creature in its natural habitat, run, don't walk to the nearest exit!!!
Scene: Last night on pokerstars micro NLHE table.
The Players:
Pete, one good TAG 4 later in the rotation, six other fair to moderate players.
Enter the dreaded rebate fish into the open seat halfway between Pete and the TAG.
Characteristics of a rebate fish:
Folded a total of about 2 hand over an hours time. Calls ANY PF bet of ANY size with ANY two cards. Calls to the river with Ace high.
Key characteristic that distinguishes
a rebate fish form any other species:
The rebate fish is especially adept at cracking high pocket pairs or drawing runner, runner full houses after being put all-in......but ONLY when faced with a TAG holding the nut straight or nut flush. Guaranteed to strike once an orbit per TAG at the table. Guaranteed to LOSE to EVERY OTHER player at the table once per orbit.
This guy sat down with about $1.38. The other TAG and myself had about $5 each. Over the next couple of hours, this guy managed to consistently take whatever either I took or the TAG took from the other players plus $.02 or $.03 each and every orbit. He would then lose it all back except about $.05 to every other player at the table. We both had this guy allin a number of times, only to have him hit runner 9,2 or runner 10,5 for a boat of 2's full of 9's or 5's full of tens!!!
By the time the both the TAG and I were "put out of our misery", and decided not to re-buy at this table, the guy had amassed $12.00........approximately my stack, the TAG's stack and his starting bankroll.......and really not a penny more......everyone else at the table had approximately as much as they had when he sat truley was absolutely amazing to watch.