Rising Star
Silver Level
So I'm playing a freeroll on fulltilt last week. I'm playing pretty tight because I had too.... crappy cards were falling from the sky into my lap. I made it to the first break with a couple OK hands, first hand back I get 8 8 (red) I limp in flop comes down A88 so I pushed all in 3 people call I triple up. So now I'm stoked
in the top 50( 2000) seats. Nothing that great again till the next break. I get moved to another table with the chip leader shes got everyone covered 3 times over about (170000 chip)I'm on the BB with 73000 chips I pick up AK (h) I put half my stack out 4 people call!!! flop comes AK8 rainbow so I pushed it all in evreyone folded but the chip leader calls. Cards get flipped shes got JJ 4th st shows a 6c 5th st a J comes up .... taken out by trips. Did I jump the gun and play this wrong????