Some questions for the micro players.



Silver Level
Oct 1, 2006
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Just some quick questions for anyone playing ring games below $25NL and below .25/.50 Limit.

Do you just play poker just for fun ?
no i play it to win money
Do you ever intend to move up in limits and how do you intend to do this ?
recently have dabbled in .25.50 and have done good
Have you a solid plan of action to move you game to the next level ?
same as always learn what my mistakes are and stop making thm again
Do you find yourself tilting and calling against the odds too much ?
not any more only in micro gmes i have got tilt pretty much under control except at costa where i still tilt
Do you re-deposit on a regular basis, and why do you think this is, are you constantly losing ?
no i dontredeposit anymore my br came from 50$ deposits and now stands at 1.5k so dont need to and cant afford to redeposit
Would you perfer to be playing at a higher limit because you thing youll win more money from the "better" players ?
why would i u gotta have a better game to beat those better players and untill u hve the game u cant beat the players and i dot want to lose consitantly

Do you find yourself taking "shots" at a higher limit ?
used to but learned that is the quickest way to bust i may play over my br in sngs occasionally but i have the game to cover myself if i lose

Do you (or can you) identify leaks in your game, do you even bother to look ?
hell yes my game didnt improve at all untill i started to look at how i lost money or tournies and to find out where the mistakes were and to try and fix thm. I usually know when i have made a mistake as soon as i make it so have got to improve my thought processes as i go through the hand and slow my thinking down which is my goal at moment

No need to reply if you dont want to, just some things to ponder :)

those are my thoughts:D


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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If you knew tenbob you'd understand the spirit of his question and also know that he himself plays LL ring games regularly although he's good enough to play at any limit. It's an honest question, and I'm interested in reading the replies. Everyone starts at the lower limits and that also seems to be the domain of the majority of CC members. I find it curious myself why so many of us obviously good players are still grinding it out in the salt mines after so long. Rarely do I see any middle or upper limit hands posted. One would think that more of us would have progressed to bigger games by now. Since that is obviously not the case I'd also like to know what are reasoning is for continuing in what would seem to be a losing venture. Personaly I think there are many good reasons to play beyond making money; entertainment, excitement, having a hobby, meeting people are just a few.

Well said - I had basically the same thoughts.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 30, 2007
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my perspective on this for what it's worth

I think any member of CC should be allowed to use the forum to ask questions that pertain to poker. It's up to the individual whether they take the time to read them and respond if they wish.

Having said that I know where Aliengenius is coming from with his slight because there is a young breed of nouveau poker players out there who belittle all who don't sit with the maximum stakes at tables. (No offense to the author meant here).

As a novice player (and I mean that more in a time sense than in a skill sense) I sit at stakes that I can afford to lose at. These are mostly low stakes (.25/.50) because I don't have a steady income as yet.

After Christmas /birthday cash gifts and after I place in good money at tournies, I have played $2/$4 dollar NL and Limit Holdem and left with a profit but only if I sat with the Max stack. Now if only I could keep from spending my pokermoney on other things then I might be able to afford to keep playing those stakes. When I sit with the Minimum stack at those tables, however, I generally wind up losing because you have a limited time to get into the game before the blinds eat you down and the high stackers will pressure you out of the pot regularly - when I have stood up to the pressure some ninny lucks out at the river having only risked 1/5 of their stack while it cost me all mine.

So that's when I move back down to lower stakes so I can afford to sit with max stack. I recently went on an epic ski trip to Whistler, however, from which I have yet to recover financially (and physically). That propelled me to the micro tables - which I really don't like because you can't bluff cuz they call everything there. So that's when I started playing multi-tables and pretty well folding everything that wasn't a monster.
Because it takes a lot of hands at those stakes to get 1500 hands I, inadvertently put myself into the category of generating more bonuses than rake for the site - so they took all my bonus money AND kept my deposit as well. (I had foolishly, used my rent money for a reload bonus - which I felt I was in no danger of losing at penny stakes because I am disciplined enough not to gamble with money I can't afford to lose. Never in my wildest dream did I think that UB could confiscate my deposit money.
So now call me freerollAnnie cuz that's all I can afford to play.

With regards to your other questions. I play poker win or lose because I love the game and want to become an expert at it - and not to get rich - just because anything worth doing is worth doing well.

Do I take advice, ABSOLUTELY! I am always looking for ways to improve my game. I am not enjoying the Freeroll and micro tables and hope I can afford to move out of them soon because if every hand is gonna be called down to the river, the most interesting aspect of the game (the bluff) is lost.

Do I think micro players are putzes or beneath high stake players - absolutely not - some people have no choice but to play there because their household budgets are so tight (wife spends all the money and kids gotta eat) - others play there by choice and not to get rich- just cuz they enjoy the game. Nothing more exciting than to take a fish's whole stack even if it's just a dollar.


p.s. if we are good to each other we are all winners. HEY I think I will make that my signature.


Silver Level
Oct 9, 2006
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Yeah, and on top of that, I ain't no micro player. I still stand 6'3".............


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 19, 2006
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Answers are bolded.

Just some quick questions for anyone playing ring games below $25NL and below .25/.50 Limit.

Do you just play poker just for fun ?

I play MOSTLY for fun. Obviously, I'm results oriented and want to see my BR increase but I do understand that I can improve as a player and not increase my BR.

Do you ever intend to move up in limits and how do you intend to do this ?

This is the one area that I'm really struggling with. I have the BR to move up my limit but I've become comfortable with my current level. I don't want to hijack the thread but thoughts on how to overcome this would be appreciated.

Have you a solid plan of action to move you game to the next level ?


Do you find yourself tilting and calling against the odds too much ?

Normally no but lately I've been doing this. Unfortunately real life is presenting some challenges and I'm not seperating those emotions as well as I should be.

Do you re-deposit on a regular basis, and why do you think this is, are you constantly losing ?

I'm still working on the same deposit I made over a year and a half ago. I did make two initial deposits when I first started playing and wasn't ready to play for real money.

Would you perfer to be playing at a higher limit because you thing you'll win more money from the "better" players ?

There are times I definately feel that way. But there are some tourneys or ring games where I find good solid play and am very happy to be where I am.

Do you find yourself taking "shots" at a higher limit ?

Not at all. I made that mistake on my first two deposits and I won't do that again.

Do you (or can you) identify leaks in your game, do you even bother to look ?

Yes, I think I can. The next step for me is to find a way to use PokerTracker or Poker Office when I play to identify more leaks in my game.

No need to reply if you dont want to, just some things to ponder :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 31, 2005
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Do you just play poker just for fun ?
Errm Yes and No, I want to be a good player, I want to improve all the time.

Do you ever intend to move up in limits and how do you intend to do this ?
Yes eventually, when I become better.

Have you a solid plan of action to move you game to the next level ?
I'll know when Im ready :D.

Do you find yourself tilting and calling against the odds too much ?
Sometimes, but less and less often now.

Do you re-deposit on a regular basis, and why do you think this is, are you constantly losing ?
Ive never redeposited since my first 2 times at paradise poker. Yes i do lose quite alot sometimes but ive never gone broke after that.

Would you perfer to be playing at a higher limit because you thing youll win more money from the "better" players ?
Yes, that too and its a challenge, but Im not too comfortable to have to gamble with too much money so i dont frequent high stakes tables.

Do you find yourself taking "shots" at a higher limit ?
Nope Im not about to put the money ive worked hard to earn for the last hour on the high limit table to play a few hands.

Do you (or can you) identify leaks in your game, do you even bother to look ?
Yes im constantly looking at my HH and trying to indentify my mistakes and the leaks in my game, its an ever ongoing process of learning.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2006
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So any plans on telling us what your evil intentions were with this thread tb. :evil:


Silver Level
May 28, 2006
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Ten bob, what are u selling???

But the answer to your questions.

I don`t know if I qualify because I play $1/2.00 Limit, but I keep my MTT in the main around the $10-50 buy in level, but my aims/ objectives are:-

  1. Win WSOP within 10 years - fall back objective...
  2. Win a big MTT with a prize of over $100k on TV - fall back objective...
  3. Make about $10k p.a. to pay for holiday/ nice things - fall back objective...
  4. Never reload!!!
So, as you see, I have set my target high, but I do have a fall back plan.

Within all of this there are things I need to do, all of which are based around learning more and becoming a better player.


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
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So any plans on telling us what your evil intentions were with this thread tb. :evil:

There is no evil plan Lo-Dog :(
I am however going to do a set of questions for the low limits players in a few days, im just interested in peoples attitudes to the game. Believe it or not some of the unhappy responses, susprised me but didnt shock me at all in this thread.
The fact that a lot/most of the mirco players have stated they never tilt is very susprising considering I still tilt, ableit not hugely though almost every time I sit at a table, I tilt to a small extent :p
I post a lot more on my thoughts on this after a few days, when there is a few more responses, and ill put up the next set of questions.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2006
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There is no evil plan Lo-Dog :(
I am however going to do a set of questions for the low limits players in a few days, im just interested in peoples attitudes to the game. Believe it or not some of the unhappy responses, susprised me but didnt shock me at all in this thread.
The fact that a lot/most of the mirco players have stated they never tilt is very susprising considering I still tilt, ableit not hugely though almost every time I sit at a table, I tilt to a small extent :p
I post a lot more on my thoughts on this after a few days, when there is a few more responses, and ill put up the next set of questions.

Okey dokey, and I know you have no evil plan. :)

My take is that its a chance to step back and evaluate why we play and what we expect to get out of it. Not evil at all.

I will await your further response.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 27, 2006
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Do you just play poker just for fun ?
-For the most part I play for fun, but I do take it serious and try to play properly.

Do you ever intend to move up in limits and how do you intend to do this ?
-Yes I plan on moving up limits, I intend to do this by making enough money to make it feasable within my bankroll.

Have you a solid plan of action to move you game to the next level ?
-At first I didn't, but in the New Year I decided to use "Bonus Whoring" to help to achieve this. I have a very limited budget as I am saving to go back to school, so poker money is very thin. I deposited $50 at to take advantage of thier relatively easy to clear bonus and recently withdrew $120. Now I have moved $100 to Ultimate Bet and I hope to clear my bonus there. Basically taking advantage of bonuses to get my bankroll started.

Do you find yourself tilting and calling against the odds too much ?
-I used to do this a lot, which is why my first couple deposit's were lost, I have managed to get away from this recently, and when I find myself tilting I just suht down poker and go to the gym.

Do you re-deposit on a regular basis, and why do you think this is, are you constantly losing ?
-I deposited $25 twice on pokerstars about a year ago, lost it both times. Recently though I final tabled one of thier 10 FPP $250 tournies, then made a couple final tables in $4.40 180 people and withdrew $100. Earlier this year I deposited $50 in as per my plan above. This would make me currently about even poker wise, adn though it isn't uch I'm quite proud of myself.

Would you perfer to be playing at a higher limit because you thing youll win more money from the "better" players ?
-Better players doesn't mean more money. I would like to move up in limits and play better players because of the challenge involved that appeals to my competitive nature.

Do you find yourself taking "shots" at a higher limit ?
-Nope, when I started my plan above I played at $10NL (to much for my bankroll, but the lowest level that I could clear a bonus at) and I haven't moved up yet. When I get my bankroll to an acceptable level to play $25NL I will move up (I would like $300+ to be comfortable)

Do you (or can you) identify leaks in your game, do you even bother to look ?
-Yes and no. I have been reading books and of course following the helpful advice from this forum (other forums too) and I review my hand histories. But I realize that I need to do this more and I need to get Poker Tracker, but for now it just isn't in the budget.

Good post, I enjoyed reading the other replys and replying.


Advanced beginner
Silver Level
Sep 20, 2006
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I'm liking this thread more and more, tb, especially if you have further plans to come out of this. Two things I find interesting.

One is that people claim not to have made many deposits. Now that may be untrue (selective memory, embarrassment), or it could true and is due to the fact that the type of people willing to hang around CC and / or are willing to take the time to respond to this thread are the type of players that have decent skills and bankroll management. The players doing a lot of redepositing are either not the CC type or are not interested in a thread like this or may be unwilling to post, which is fair enough too. Although, if you're planning some followup to this using the feedback so far you might keep in mind the potential response bias.

The other interesting thing for me is the view of micro limits as "grinding it out". I guess I could see this at the 0.01/0.02 tables but for me the $10 NL has sufficient risk/reward so it's not a grind, but that's just me.
Four Dogs

Four Dogs

Silver Level
Apr 13, 2005
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The other interesting thing for me is the view of micro limits as "grinding it out". I guess I could see this at the 0.01/0.02 tables but for me the $10 NL has sufficient risk/reward so it's not a grind, but that's just me.
I said that. I guess the assumption was that most people would like to move up in limits if they could. But I can see by some of the responses to TB's questions that that isn't always the case. I look at the different levels as rungs on a ladder with the goal of someday reaching the top. It's not about the money though. If it were I'd be spending all my time and effort in researching stocks and bonds, not poker. For me it's all about challenging myself. It's about finding something that I can do outside my job and homelife that has no upperl limit to how much I can improve. I've never met or heard of a great poker player that says, "I'm as good as anyone can be".

With that in mind I am constantly analysing my game, reading and learning about the game, and experimenting with different techniques and styles of play. Strangley enough, I think that is my greatest leak. I rarely stick to one format for long. I might spend a month playing hands like a mad man and then another as tight as a ducks ass. A few months ago I started playing limit and had to reload several times before I got the hang of it. Actually, I never got the hang of it.

But the ugly truth is that although I feel I'm a strong (not great) NL player, I've never been able to break out of the lower limits. After more than 2 years I just seem to be treading water. Oddly I do better at $1.00/$2.00 than at .50/1.00, and better at that than .25/.50. The pattern holds all the way down to .05/.10. So why not just skip right over the lowest limits, right? A couple of reasons. 1) I'm not willing to risk large amounts of my familys money on a venture and 2) As aggrevating as the LL's may be, I feel a good player should be able to beat the game and the rake at any limit, and I see the higher levels as a reward for mastering the lower limits. As of yet I don't believe I've earned it.


Advanced beginner
Silver Level
Sep 20, 2006
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You might have been one to say it, Four Dogs, but I know you're not the only one who thinks it. And, in a few months from now or a year from now I might think the same thing.

I think I would find it a grind to play at the 0.02/0.05 or 0.01/0.02 level exclusively from where I play now, so I guess I can relate, and similarly I find it difficult to play those levels because of the unpredictability and the higher disregard for things like pot odds, partly because less players consider them, but also because the cost of calling/bluffing is lower. I should assume there is some degree of improvement in those areas gradually as you move to more expensive levels.

I could put money into my bankroll and move up to another level, but I'm cheap, and I want proof that it's a valid investment. Maybe if I don't test the waters above I won't find out, but I guess I'm just happy mucking around where I am right now.
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
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The fact that a lot/most of the mirco players have stated they never tilt is very susprising considering I still tilt
Everyone tilts. Someone who thinks that they don't, haven't looked hard enough.

Good thread.

Oh, and that Shinedown has heard "define solid" from a woman in bed, is more than I needed to know. ;)


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2006
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Everyone tilts. Someone who thinks that they don't, haven't looked hard enough.

Good thread.

Oh, and that Shinedown has heard "define solid" from a woman in bed, is more than I needed to know. ;)

I said I never tilt, which I guess is a lie.:eek:

I suppose my game will get affected slightly if things are not going my way but I never get mad and if I think my play is getting weak I am out.
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
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Being tired, playing for too long, trying to get even, trying to get back at somebody, getting angry, not really thinking about what we're doing but acting on impulses...

It's rare that I get mad, but it happens. Being mad is not a problem, though, playing differently because of it, is. Tilt, to me, is any emotional or psychological state that makes us play any less than our best.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 31, 2006
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Do you just play poker just for fun?

It started out that way after watching Late Night Poker on Channel 4 at stupid o'clock back in the day, but fell in love with it and realised there's gold in them thar hills!

Do you ever intend to move up in limits and how do you intend to do this?

I'm currently playing .$10 NLHE, playing under rolled as I know I can beat the level comfortably. I did have a $400 roll and had to surrender my BR for financial reasons. I built that up playing at this level from $25. Once I hit my 300x buyin level, and have achieved a comfortable level, say 7.5k-10k hands beating the level, i'll move up again.

Have you a solid plan of action to move you game to the next level?

As above, but got it from several BR threads and mainly this article:

Do you find yourself tilting and calling against the odds too much?

Not really. I learned to deal with tilt a long time ago. If i'm outplayed, then I'll give the player props. If its a bad beat, then i'll give the player props and win my money back later.

If I lose a couple of pots when I know I should have done better (probing bet/folding etc) and i'm getting angry because of the result then I turn the computer off. I go and get angrier at attempting to play Pro Evo 6 on my Xbox 360. I won't come back until i'm completely calm and sorted again.

Calling against the odds is a problem i'm attempting to remove, but I find myself only calling against the odds when I know the player i'm against is a) reckless and probably doesn't have much of a hand anyway, so i'm probably ahead or b) weak enough to push off a hand with a semi-bluff on the turn/river.

Do you re-deposit on a regular basis, and why do you think this is, are you constantly losing?

Sort of, I remove my BR as a last resort to a tight financial budget, and when times are good again i'll re-deposit. If I can't afford a deposit, I freeroll it.

Would you perfer to be playing at a higher limit because you thing youll win more money from the "better" players?

I started out at the beginning playing £50 or £100 tables, but my winning was sporadic and was losing more. I now know to play at such levels you need to be sufficiently rolled to deal with a bad streak.

Do you find yourself taking "shots" at a higher limit?

Nope. Time and a place for it, but i'm not risking my hard fought BR at a higher level to lose an inproportionate amount.

Do you (or can you) identify leaks in your game, do you even bother to look?

I attempt too, I have PT and read as many guides to use it as possible. I also read as many hand analysis & bad beat postings as possible to see if there is anything i'm doing thats a mistake, or trying to learn of any tips/tricks I can incorporate to my game, as well as buying/analysing poker books.
Last edited:


Advanced beginner
Silver Level
Sep 20, 2006
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Being tired, playing for too long, trying to get even, trying to get back at somebody, getting angry, not really thinking about what we're doing but acting on impulses...

It's rare that I get mad, but it happens. Being mad is not a problem, though, playing differently because of it, is. Tilt, to me, is any emotional or psychological state that makes us play any less than our best.

If that's the definition of tilt, then yes, I definitely tilt, whether it be because I've got two decent hands at the same time while multitabling and I start to panic, or because the table is boring and I start reading CC threads/checking email/etc. instead of paying enough attention.