Rock Star
Silver Level
oh, im so sorry, i was wrong ...the 2.35 million should be 2.35 billion (and for those of you who dont know how to get that again 221^5) and (if you dont know what that means it is 221x221x221x221x221 = 2.35 billion) that would be for getting AA five times in a row....im glad to see that you care enough to go looking for my mistakes, at least i can admit it, but it was human error instead of my theory being totally ****ed up
although it may be dry FourDogs..at least you are right
boy, where did you dig that one up from? sounds like you found it next to all the "Your mama's so fat, stupid, ugly jokes" I made fun of ppl who used those back in the early 90's. keep trying there white devil fag and maybe get some original jokes or thoughts about you STILL being wrong no matter how big a schmuck you think I am.
oh yea, whats better? A retard with a gold medal (ME) or a retard with a silver medal (YOU)? i hope you say what i think you are going to. hahaha
although it may be dry FourDogs..at least you are right
diabloblanco said:OMG, I was just looking over some old posts of Mr. Statistics to get a feel for how knowledgeable he really is and 2 things lept off the page. First, Mr. Statistics bpazjr, told another player in a thread called "stuck on duh" that the odds of being dealt AA were 2.35 million to 1. Strange. Second, if anyone cares to take the time, he has a habit of talking down to people and generally being as ass when he comments in threads. Bpazjr, you are a schmuck that now has zero credibility in my opinion. Winning this particular argument for you, will be like winning the gold medal at the Special Olympics, when its over, you're still retarded.
boy, where did you dig that one up from? sounds like you found it next to all the "Your mama's so fat, stupid, ugly jokes" I made fun of ppl who used those back in the early 90's. keep trying there white devil fag and maybe get some original jokes or thoughts about you STILL being wrong no matter how big a schmuck you think I am.
oh yea, whats better? A retard with a gold medal (ME) or a retard with a silver medal (YOU)? i hope you say what i think you are going to. hahaha
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