A Member
Silver Level
I play mainly SNGs of the $5 and $10 variety and I've come to the conclusion that until you reach the final table a pre-flop raise is useless. So many fish will play 2 suited cards or an ace-rag, and catch, that you're better off making a hand before you push. Just won a $5, 27 person SNG at Stars and if I hadn't have used this strategy I'd have been knocked out in the first 15 minutes. I layed down Qs and Ks because the flop was suited and both times the fish caught the flush with a card under a 9. Be being VERY patient and picking my spots I was able to let the fish screw themselves and finally won an event on Stars. Once we got to the last 5 or so, the play became more "normal" and you could play by the book - as raises were respected.
My thanks to my friend Grumbledook who cusses me out frequently for being way to impatient. He is without a doubt correct on this one and I'm really focusing on that aspect of my game...
My thanks to my friend Grumbledook who cusses me out frequently for being way to impatient. He is without a doubt correct on this one and I'm really focusing on that aspect of my game...