How To Consistently Beat Sit And Go's

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Silver Level
Apr 24, 2005
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It is just an e-mail from roy rounder... yes it doesn't show how to play after, during the flop.. c'mon though how many of us have all-in's called with aa's... kk's with garbage.. Me.. I can't count that high cause my fingers and toes won't allow it


Silver Level
Aug 16, 2006
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Not for me

I've been having pretty good run of luck or whatever with SnG's for awhile now. ie; Sunday I played 11 SnG's, 6 player, so they pay 1st and 2nd. I won 6 and was second in 2. Not bad I figure. I don't play what I call "loose", but I'm not playing these real tight either.

I tried your method last nite in 4 of the same SnG's. Guess what? I'm first out in all 4! LMAO. Maybe it was just the luck of the draw and I need to try some more. But, I was amazed at how I got sucked out on in all 4. What are the odds? Only thing was, you are right, people will call. Problem is, they aren't calling with a good hand to begin with and....SUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!


Silver Level
Aug 11, 2006
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Well I always played pretty tight...not as tight as listed about but sometimes I wasn't afraid to raise with A-J os. Using that stratigy I placed second in five out of the six SnG's I played. The one that I lost I did not once get any of the hands listed above. We ended up being down to the last 4 (3 get paid) and I went out betting.


Silver Level
Aug 15, 2006
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is this another article from Roy Rounder?
Egon Towst

Egon Towst

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jun 26, 2006
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ez2cy said:
I tried your method last nite in 4 of the same SnG's. Guess what? I'm first out in all 4!

That`s pretty unlucky. Realistically though, I can`t see any way this strategy would work in the short-handed games you`re playing. It seems much too tight for those. It`s intended for 9/10 player games.



Bronze Level
Aug 18, 2006
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great article and I'm sure will be very helpful

thanks alot Twizzybop


Bronze Level
Aug 18, 2006
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will the same strategy work on regular tourney tables?


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 22, 2006
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duuuuuuuuuuuuuude what an amazing article thanks :) im gonna go make my deposit today, since it has so many goodie tips i just want to go try them :) thanks bro !


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 4, 2006
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This is essentially how I've been playing my SnG's. I play a few more hands like KQ,KJ,JQ,AQ,AJ. Also, I like to bate players to go all-in over me when I have AA/KK preflop or hit a monster hand. I'm pretty good at telling how much to bet, and the timing of the bet, to get someone to come over the top of me. It's amazing how many people i've knocked out when they were on nothing but a pure all-in bluff.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 16, 2007
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Very good strategy

Sounds like a good sound strategy to me. Lots of times, other players will say I have heard that before. My opinion is, talking poker strategy over and over can only help the player and improve the game.

If nothing else, help us avoid playing hands which we know is a bad play.

Personally, I like reinforcement of my very limited poker skills.

Thanks for imput. Please share more.

mange :) :) :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 26, 2007
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I've gotta agree fully with this post. I've been playing a ton of live SNG's and even in those people are not paying enough attention to the other payers at the table. The 1st hand of the tournament I got AA and it limped to me - reraised all-in and it folded to the button and I got snap called by 77. WOW pocket 7's all-in first hand? OK well I won that hand and then had to go to the bathroom. I had the buffet at Foxwoods so you can amagine what I had to do. I was gone a lot longer than I wanted to be. When I got back it was down to 4 players and I 3200 left in chips. (not too far off from avg. at this point). I then started playing for the 1st time in this SNG. The AA played it self. I ended up getting to HU and taking a beat TT vs. 99 and he hit a 9.

To be honest I've started employing the same stag as you spoke of right after that SNG. Although I have added one little thing to help me out. I play only big hands early - once I have enough chips to be close to avg. chips when there is 4 players left I fold unless I get AA-QQ. Some occasions are SB vs. BB or if it folds to me in the CO/Button.

I've been cashing in these tournaments at a 38% clip. I believe that I will make a lot of money if this trend continues (the trend I speak of super loose aggressive tards).


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 15, 2007
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the only stategy for these tourneys...other than win...hmm take a guess...

I think its called...



Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 18, 2008
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I must say this works.. I have been doing it before I read this thread. This morning alone I have played 7 SnG's. I lost 3 and placed 1st in 4. As you can see that is quite a bit of profit. Even though I lost a whole 3 I only lost the buy-ins. You get a lot more for placing 1st 4 times =)


Sarah's Pet
Bronze Level
Aug 20, 2008
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beating every hand helps. Setting up traps when you have someone bluffing.
Stick to a game plan and keep it that way. and being real PATIENCE is the key.
thanks for the topic bud.


Silver Level
Dec 17, 2007
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hmmmmmmm. Just tried that stratergy word for word. 4 games at once, 3 losses and 1 win. Not too sure if I'll try that again. :confused:

BTW, to the OP, whats are your online usernames, would love to see some stats?
Last edited:


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 17, 2008
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Well i agree with the post if you want to play like a robot. lol. Early on in a sng you should play tight aggressive because a lot of people play trash hands and you can smash them. Then you earn you tight/aggresive table image so when it gets down to 4-5 players i mix styles loose/aggresive & tight/aggresive together to throw off my opponets. If you want to play like a book thats fine with me because i can read you all day so i will out play you left and right.


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Oct 11, 2008
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hmm... im not so sure about this. in most of the sng's i've played everyone seems to be really tight, even folding to min raises preflop! seems everyone is just intent on scraping into the money so wouldn't it be better to be a bit of a lag and try and steal all the dead money out there?


Rising Star
Silver Level
Jul 15, 2007
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Interesting advice...gonna give it a try and see how it works...


Silver Level
Apr 18, 2008
Total posts
hmmmmmmm. Just tried that stratergy word for word. 4 games at once, 3 losses and 1 win. Not too sure if I'll try that again. :confused:

BTW, to the OP, whats are your online usernames, would love to see some stats?

I doubt it's the problem with the strategy; you probably aren't applying it correctly. It is virtually impossible to discuss postflop play in every situation because there are too many situations, so you just need experience to learn to play well postflop. Beyond that, TAG is definitely the way to go at low stakes SnG's.

Just click on people's usernames to look at their usernames, by the way.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 3, 2008
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Great post, i agree 100%. with a good mix of patience luck and skill SNG's can be beaten very consistantly.


Undesirable Predator
Silver Level
Sep 30, 2007
Total posts
Twizzy--great articles you've been posting! Some very useful information in all of them. I have a request, however. Can you please credit the author and/or source of these articles? It would be greatly appreciated. If you penned these yourself, well, then, great job!

This is a direct steal from Roy Rounders poker emails, perhaps not word for word, but I can check if anyone cares...


Undesirable Predator
Silver Level
Sep 30, 2007
Total posts
Twizzy--great articles you've been posting! Some very useful information in all of them. I have a request, however. Can you please credit the author and/or source of these articles? It would be greatly appreciated. If you penned these yourself, well, then, great job!
Here is the original post, the OP posted a complete scam on juiceeQ and this forum. Juice please remove the stain you placed on my page, immediately. Another matter I know, but it still makes me sick everytime I see it and am reminded of capricious slights by mods who could know better.

How To Consistently Beat Sit And Go's‏ on behalf of Roy Rounder (
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafeSent:Sun 1/08/06 1:55 AMTo: Friend (
Hey Friend,

It's so simple...

And so obvious...

Yet no one seems to get it!

What's this easy-to-use secret for beating Sit and
Go tournaments online?

The answer is this:


I know... I know... you were expecting something
more, um... "secretive".

But the truth is, winning at Sit and Go's is
pretty damn easy. I find them easier than "real"
poker games, actually.

And that's why every time I turn on the computer
these days I feel like a kid in a candy store...
ready to clean out the amateurs at the poker room
of my choosing.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

What I want to discuss here is why PATIENCE is so
critical for Sit and Go success.

First, let's get back to some basics. There are
four types of poker playing styles:

1. Tight-Passive
2. Tight-Aggressive
3. Loose-Passive
4. Loose-Aggressive

Your style should be tight-aggressive.

Don't confuse "styles" with "preferences". If you
want to be a good card player, you DON'T get to
DECIDE to be tight-aggressive.

You MUST be tight-aggressive in order to be good.


Of course there are DEGREES of each playing style,
and that's what accounts for the differences
between one pro and another... the DIFFERENT
DEGREES of tight-aggressive.

OK, now let me ask you:

What does "tight-aggressive" really MEAN?

Here's the answer:

It means that you play TIGHT in terms of hand
selection, but AGGRESSIVE when you enter a pot.

Be careful... "tight" and "aggressive" are not
opposites. "Tight" and "loose" are opposites. And
so are "aggressive" and "passive".

TIGHT refers to hand selection. AGGRESSIVE refers
to betting.

OK... so this is how playing styles relate to Sit
and Go's...

The NATURE of Sit and Go's makes them OVERRUN by
LOOSE-AGGRESSIVE style players.

The reasons are simple:

1. You can play a Sit and Go virtually anytime,
anywhere, and with anyone.

This means there's very low risk in LOSING, since
you can easily just move on to the next game. It's
not like in "offline" poker when once you get
knocked out you're DONE.

2. The money seems less "real".

Let's be honest... We all know the feeling of
making a deposit into an online poker account and
thinking to ourselves how it doesn't quite feel
like real money. Am I right?

3. There's no "embarrassment".

Online poker is virtually 100% anonymous. If you
make a stupid move, you're not worried about what
the other players THINK of you. Who cares?

After all, the other "players" are really just
silly little avatars on an animated screen.

OK, so those are three (there are many more) of
the reasons why Sit and Go's (and pretty much all
of online poker) are dominated by the playing

Loose-aggressive is also known as the "manic" playing style. And what's the FASTEST way to beat
a manic?

Yep, you guessed it...


The reason is because MANICS are constantly
playing many hands (loose) and doing so

What happens is that it's difficult to get a READ
on them because you never know whether they're
bluffing or not... unless you call their bets...
which you can't do because you don't have that
great a hand.

Has this ever happened to you?

Have you ever been up against a player who seemed
to be playing VERY aggressively and you just
couldn't figure out if they were bluffing or
holding great cards?

And then when you got FED UP with it and DID make
a call, he had you beat?

My guess is that it HAS happened to you... just as
it's happened for me.

The key thing to know is that THERE ARE certain
steps you can take to defend this. (I even wrote
an entire chapter about this topic in my book.)

But fortunately in Sit and Go's, this isn't really
much of a problem. Because you're usually not up
against just one or two manics. You're up against
an ENTIRE TABLE of them.

That means you shouldn't be CALLING anyone's bets.

Instead, YOU should push the action when you have
a monster hand... and ONLY when you have a monster
hand. And that, of course, requires...


It's actually much easier this way. Because with a
table full of manics, you can rely on getting
action with all your great hands.

(I should point out here that I'm generally
referring to Sit and Go's where the entry fee is
less than $50. When the stakes are higher the
quality of play is usually more intelligent.)

OK, so what I'm about to tell you might take some
of the "fun" out of Sit and Go's. But it will
increase your profits dramatically...

Here's what your Sit and Go "experience" should
look like when the field is from 8 or 10 players
down to 4 or 5 players.


If your hole cards are...

A-A, K-K - Go all in pre-flop if you're in early
position. If in late position and there was a
raise, go all-in. If people were just trying to
limp in, make a raise... and then bet very
aggressively after the flop.

Q-Q, A-K - If you're in an early position, bet
big (but not all-in). If you're in a late
position, use your read on the other players to
determine whether or not you think you have the
best hand. If so, bet huge or go all-in.

All other pocket pairs - Limp-in. If you spike
trips, go all-in. If not, fold.

Suited connectors - Limp-in if the blinds are
reasonably low. Fold suited connectors under 7-6.

Ace-X suited - Limp-in if possible. Only bet if
you hit the flush.

All other hands - Fold.


What you've just seen will be completely different
than most "starting hand strategies" out there.

And that chart is NOT for all types of no limit
Texas Holdem. We're ONLY talking about games that
match these three criteria:

1. Online poker Sit and Go tournaments
2. Low stakes (under $50 entry)
3. While there are more than 4 or 5 players at the
table (in an 8-man or 10-man Sit and Go)

DO NOT use that starting hand advice for any other
poker games... because that's NOT how you should
play your starting hands in general.

So why would Sit and Go's be so much different
than "normal" poker play?

Like I said before, the reason is because Sit and
Go's are heavily dominated by loose-aggressive
players... and THIS is how you beat those guys.

Why exactly does this strategy work?

It works because you're only playing monsters.

Now... if the players at Sit and Go's were SMART,
they'd OBSERVE that you're only playing monster
hands... and they'd FOLD as soon as you went

I mean... it only makes logical sense, right?

Indeed, this is how it works in live games. But
not online. Because for online poker there's
another important factor working to your


The truth is, many players are either drunk,
hungover, stupid, or playing multiple tables at
once. Or all of the above!

They're not paying attention to your betting
patterns. They're just playing the CARDS, not the

I call my strategy for patiently waiting for
monster hands and then going all-in:

"Tight-Aggressive Squared"

The reason is because my strategy is like the
playing style tight-aggressive... but on STEROIDS.

Why go all-in so much?

It's like I said... you WILL get action. Maybe not
every single time, but enough times to make it
well worth your while.

For Sit and Go's, all you need to do is double-up
ONCE before the field gets to 4 or 5 players.

THEN you can start playing aggressively. What will
happen is that the 4 or 5 players LEFT IN THE GAME
will usually be the smarter ones. And some of them
WILL notice by now that you're playing tight.

SO THEN what you do is steal blinds. It's easy.

Everyone tightens up when there are four or five
players in a hand because they want to make the
money... and they want to be VERY CAREFUL to make
it into the top three.

That is when you steal some blinds and add to your
chip stack.

Then, after that point you'll be in third place
and will be in the money.

I have a ton of strategies for getting you into
FIRST place too (after you get down to three
players), but I'll have to save those for a
different newsletter.

You know, when I first came up with this strategy
of "Tight-Aggressive Squared" I wasn't COMPLETELY
convinced it was the best way to win at Sit and

At the time, I had been trying a lot of things.
The idea of just being EXTREMELY PATIENT and then
going all-in with monster hands seemed a little


Then one night, I was at a 10-man Sit and Go. I
went all-in with a big hand early and doubled up.
It was the only hand I got really involved with.

Then... with 9 players still at the table... my
Internet shut off. I didn't know what happened.
All I know is that the Internet just plain STOPPED

I would have called someone... but it was past two
in the morning.

I messed with it for like fifteen minutes and then
just gave up. Oh well... it's just one Sit and Go.

Anyway... I started working on something else on
my computer for awhile until all of the sudden the
Internet came BACK on.

I logged into my poker room to see what had
happened with the game. Immediately the screen
POPPED-UP and the action was to me...

I was still in the game, it wasn't over yet!

Not only that...

But there were only three players left!

I was in third, but still had some remaining chips
to play around with.

I immediately went all-in and everyone folded.
Then I did it again and everyone folded. And a few
hands later I did it AGAIN.

I picked up three enormous sets of blinds and was
right back in the game. The reason everyone was
folding was because I hadn't played a hand in 25
minutes. They were probably wondering what the
hell was going on!

Anyway, as it turned out, I actually WON 1ST for
this Sit and Go. First place baby... and my
Internet only worked for about 1/5 of the game!

After I was done I started thinking about what had
just happened. I realized that by PLAYING in a Sit
and Go you can often do MORE DAMAGE THAN GOOD when
there are lots of players at the table.

And of course, I became 100% convinced that the
"magic equation" for success is:


Your goal for these games should be to place in
the money as much as possible. Period. So why risk
chips on silly hands early on?

They're just not worth it...

The other thing about this strategy is that it's a
HUGE time-saver. Because it doesn't require hardly
any work until there are 4-5 players left. It
makes it MUCH easier to play multiple tables at
once... or do other things while the Sit and Go
plays in the background.

OK, so here's your "Tight-Aggressive Squared" Sit
and Go strategy:

1. Be patient, be patient, be patient!

Only play the hands I showed you earlier. Only bet
before the flop with Aces, Kings, Big Slick, and

2. When you catch a monster, go all-in. Don't do
this if you think someone has you beat (i.e.
there's an obvious straight or flush draw on the

I'm talking about only playing hands when you know
you have the best odds of winning.

3. When the field gets down to four or five
players (depending on how high the blinds are and
how many all-in showdowns you've won), shift gears
completely and STOP using this "Tight-Aggressive
Squared" strategy.

That, my friend, is the "secret" to Sit and Go's.

It's obvious... but not-so-obvious.

But it is DEFINITELY simple.

And you can start implementing it IMMEDIATELY...

For hundreds more "insider" tips and strategies
about Texas Holdem poker, check out my book. You
can download it IMMEDIATELY on this page:

I'll show you everything you need to know-- all
the "tricks", pot odds, bluffing strategies, trap
plays, and more-- to start making TONS of
spare-time profits playing poker.

If you're ready for poker success, click here:

Talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

Roy Rounder


Can I help you?
May 18, 2005
Total posts
Yep, Makwa; that question was answered for me three years ago...:p


Undesirable Predator
Silver Level
Sep 30, 2007
Total posts
Yep, Makwa; that question was answered for me three years ago...:p
What question? What three years ago?
Please remove the stain you visited on my page.
This thread is a clear example of plagiarism for personal gain by the OP, which you endorsed.
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