Rock Star
Silver Level
I was playing at the Alladin in beautiful Las Vegas earlier.
They have a high hand jackpot, which I hate. It takes to much money out of pots, and reduces equity. After you pay the rake, pay the jackpot, tip the dealer, your out like 7 bucks. Anyways...
I'm in a rather large pot, with huge pre-flop action. I respect my opponent, and feel he is a solid player. Based on that, I was sure the flop missed him. I pushed, he called. and tables 33. OK he has trips. He takes my entire stack. Fine, but what the hell is he doing in the pot? We know each other, so later he came up and tells me he was in the pot because he felt any pocket pair that could improve to a 4 of a kind is worth playing, as the jackpot is so high.
Is it common to allow high hand jackpots to effect the way you normally play hands? I ask because it never even occured to me. Do I need to factor this, when I play in establishments that have high hand jackpots?
Your thoughts are appreciated.
They have a high hand jackpot, which I hate. It takes to much money out of pots, and reduces equity. After you pay the rake, pay the jackpot, tip the dealer, your out like 7 bucks. Anyways...
I'm in a rather large pot, with huge pre-flop action. I respect my opponent, and feel he is a solid player. Based on that, I was sure the flop missed him. I pushed, he called. and tables 33. OK he has trips. He takes my entire stack. Fine, but what the hell is he doing in the pot? We know each other, so later he came up and tells me he was in the pot because he felt any pocket pair that could improve to a 4 of a kind is worth playing, as the jackpot is so high.
Is it common to allow high hand jackpots to effect the way you normally play hands? I ask because it never even occured to me. Do I need to factor this, when I play in establishments that have high hand jackpots?
Your thoughts are appreciated.