Rock Star
Silver Level
Hi everyone,
As most know, I don't enjoy discussing hands which involve "tells". Discussions can always end with... Well, if you had a tell on him, its not a bad play. in other words plays based on tells are very hard to discuss. However, tells are a small part of the game, and can be crutial at times.
UTG Tight agressive straight forward player. He is playing by the book poker. Correct values from correct positions for accurate pot values.
Brings in for a raise. All fold to you in the cut off. You place your opponent on a range of hands with a confident degree of accuracy. He has AA, KK, QQ. No other hand is possible for this player. You then look at his stack, peek at your cards and see 2 red 7's.
On the button behind you is a creative, tricky, strong player. Let's get him out. Your 7's are no good for sure, but knowing what your opponent has, and him not knowing what you have, plus position gives you a solid long term expectation. We raise him. The button reraises, but you see something, which you've seen before. He protects his cards differently, holding them under hishand, instead of using a chip as he has done for the most part. He is tricky he is smart, he knows what he is doing, and probably believes you have picked up on this minor behavioral adjustment.
What does this mean?
Is this something he is aware he is doing, or something he is not aware of?
What do you do?
It gets called by UTG.
You have not gained position as you had hoped. But you now really have odds to call.
You will be stuck in the middle.
Do you call, raise or fold?
I am back from the wedding, so Ill be around again.
I missed you all.
As most know, I don't enjoy discussing hands which involve "tells". Discussions can always end with... Well, if you had a tell on him, its not a bad play. in other words plays based on tells are very hard to discuss. However, tells are a small part of the game, and can be crutial at times.
UTG Tight agressive straight forward player. He is playing by the book poker. Correct values from correct positions for accurate pot values.
Brings in for a raise. All fold to you in the cut off. You place your opponent on a range of hands with a confident degree of accuracy. He has AA, KK, QQ. No other hand is possible for this player. You then look at his stack, peek at your cards and see 2 red 7's.
On the button behind you is a creative, tricky, strong player. Let's get him out. Your 7's are no good for sure, but knowing what your opponent has, and him not knowing what you have, plus position gives you a solid long term expectation. We raise him. The button reraises, but you see something, which you've seen before. He protects his cards differently, holding them under hishand, instead of using a chip as he has done for the most part. He is tricky he is smart, he knows what he is doing, and probably believes you have picked up on this minor behavioral adjustment.
What does this mean?
Is this something he is aware he is doing, or something he is not aware of?
What do you do?
It gets called by UTG.
You have not gained position as you had hoped. But you now really have odds to call.
You will be stuck in the middle.
Do you call, raise or fold?
I am back from the wedding, so Ill be around again.
I missed you all.