Rising Star
Bronze Level
I was playing earlier today on a Very loose 10/20 NL 6 player table at FTP.
I was up almost 500 on the day already, and in the 1st Position ive got Aces. The one seat folds and the 2nd Seat bumps it from $20 to $80 now i'm thinking Yes. A nice winner maybe, but the 3rd seat who is the only one im scared of because he had twice as many chips as me (he had $3400 and I had $2160.23) he Reraises to $240 and well now im Smiling from ear to ear but the 4th seat Reraises! and the 5th seat Calls! and im sitting here with Aces! Now Im thinking I have to put in now almost $800 dollars against 3 very tight players 1 maniac and the flop could be terrible. I think for awhile and finally I let the aces go. Now 3 of the 4 go all in! one shows Aces also the other Kings and the Maniac 109s in Spades! How he made this call I have no idea but the flop comes 1099 and he flops a Boat while the kings and Aces dont improve. The guy who folded said he had Queens! and wouldve rivered the Better fullboat the Maniac gets paid off almost $4000 dollars and both the guys holding aces and kings are broke and of course the Maniac runs like a coward.
How do you think I should have played this? The way I did or maybe Called?
Thx John

I was up almost 500 on the day already, and in the 1st Position ive got Aces. The one seat folds and the 2nd Seat bumps it from $20 to $80 now i'm thinking Yes. A nice winner maybe, but the 3rd seat who is the only one im scared of because he had twice as many chips as me (he had $3400 and I had $2160.23) he Reraises to $240 and well now im Smiling from ear to ear but the 4th seat Reraises! and the 5th seat Calls! and im sitting here with Aces! Now Im thinking I have to put in now almost $800 dollars against 3 very tight players 1 maniac and the flop could be terrible. I think for awhile and finally I let the aces go. Now 3 of the 4 go all in! one shows Aces also the other Kings and the Maniac 109s in Spades! How he made this call I have no idea but the flop comes 1099 and he flops a Boat while the kings and Aces dont improve. The guy who folded said he had Queens! and wouldve rivered the Better fullboat the Maniac gets paid off almost $4000 dollars and both the guys holding aces and kings are broke and of course the Maniac runs like a coward.
How do you think I should have played this? The way I did or maybe Called?
Thx John