Here is my train of thought during the hand:
(keep in mind these players are complete monkeys)
PF people raise with any pp, ace, king and sometimes queen and jack, and also sometimes with suited connectors. The size of the raise generally changes with the strength of the hand; big means big and vice versa.
PF call, maybe a little sloppy but those are the types of
hands you have to play vs. these guys or else you blind yourself out, and they get more aggressive with lesser hands against you.
Flop i bet my ace, he calls. I'm thinking i'm ahead here, or he would have led out. He might have a set but usually they are played very aggressively.
Turn, i check not to induce the river bet, but because i'm being safe. Players often call down with second pair or even bottom pair. His check behind me shows me he's either drawing or hasn't hit his hand - i don't see alot of slowplaying on the table, generally people play their hands pretty fast.
River i('m pretty sure) I'm ahead with him checking into me, so i bet a small/medium amount.
He reraises and that's where i get really confused. My read on him on the flop and turn were very strong that he didn't hit. Then he lets this out-of-line checkraise on the river out. That's why i called, because i followed my gut instinct from earlier in the hand.
I would like to hear your reasons, FD - i respect your opinion and want to see what you felt i did wrong.