My SNG Problems.



Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 15, 2007
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Hi there. I am new to the site, wasn't quite sure where to post this, thought probably here rather than Tournament hands, as it isn't really about any specific hand.

I am playing $30 SNG at the moment. Have played $100 dollar ones, but made a hefty withdrawal a while back. So dropped back down. I am playing on Absolute, I like it there because the SNG have a nice long structure to them, wouldn't mind a few recemondations for other sites with a good SNG structure while i am here :)

I think I am a good player, but I am really striving hard to make my game better. There are a few situations when I am often puzzled, have had a good read through the forum, which has helped a lot, but am going to put a few of my headaches here see if anyone can help

First of all i find it really difficult categorizing players, I watch games carefully, and take notes, but the notes often become to complicated and unhelpful. What notes do you take down for SNG purposes ? and how do you keep them simple so they can be used easily.

One that came up several times today. I am a fairly tight player, but am happy to get my chips in if i think I have the best of things. Something that really bugs me is when it gets to short handed and the blinds are high, People limping in the SB, If i have something like A7, do i raise him out the pot, and risk him trapping ? and as the blinds are so high usually, if i raise I am all but committed after the flop, if i miss with such a hand I have no choice but call. So is it best to just check his call from the SB, or move all in. I realise that different situations with Stack sizes has a bearing on it all, but the stack sizes are often the same at that time of a tournament.

My biggest bug of all. Over betters, I play 6 handed SNG, forgot to mention that. One bad hand in a SNG can cripple you, specially when you got some maniac overbetting all the time. I like to play flops, but often this can be impossible. I hate putting all my Chips in with AK pre flop early in a tourment, but I am finding that this can be the best situation that I am getting. If i believe that someone is just being super aggressive, am i right to make a stand and push them all in ? Or sit tight and hope for a better situation.

Leave it at that for now

Thanks in advance for any advice


Silver Level
Nov 6, 2010
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Do you have some kind of software, such as Tourament Indicator? If not, you need to invest in that.

I just try to look at statistics. The consensus is that in order to go all in preflop early, you should have something like a 54% chance to win in order to make that justified. Hence, if you are playing with an idiot that raises every hand (statistically, somebody with a 40% VPIP or better) I would say definitely play AK all the way. They will likely have a weaker Ace, some complete trash, or a low PP. The only one you don't have beat is the PP, but the range you are playing against makes you much greater than 54% on average.

On reading people, I find it pretty easy. The guys that play 24 tables at once are gonna have a VPIP% of 10% or less, and almost always raise when the do play a hand. I 8 table, so I can make a few less "robotic" decisions than somebody playing that table. My VPIP% is 18%, and my PFR (pre-flop raise) is around 15%. I think those are fairly strong numbers. Not the only way to play, but they are certainly conducive of a positive ROI%


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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(gonna move this to Tournament Poker)


Stacks & Stacks
Feb 7, 2008
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LOL on Debi missing the 3 year old thread bump!!