0.50/1.00 Limit HE hand



Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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Now is there any way i could really put this guy on this hand?
the limit this is at is fairly loose and has lots of fish
people in the same position as my opponent here will raise and reraise with AA or even AK right down to the river
by the way he way playing i put him on AA or AK...KK was a possibility but i can honestly say that it crossed my mind only for a split second, and unconsciously i took that hand out of the possibilities because it was so remote...but still possible
I know my hand is very poor, and i probably shouldnt have called the raise...but if i caught a very good flop i knew it would be great profit based on what i put my opponent on
anyways aside from folding PF...what other ways could really have gotten me off this hand?

EDIT: whoa...hand history is really fuct...for some reason it had a bunch of weird links in it

anyways sorry about that...it's now too late to show the HH as it's not in the chat box anymore...

basically in a four-way pot, i was in SB with 68os and limped then BB raised...calls all around and i called
flop comes 6K8 rainbow
i check and BB bets, 2 calls then i raise
it gets capped and we lose both of the other players

down to the river, nothing much changes on the board and we go to war raising and reraising
like i said i put him on AA or AK

turns out he has KK for the near-nuts and had the hand in the bag the whole way

so my question is how could i have actually gotten away from that hand?
could i really put him on KK and fold my 2pr vs. his big hand?

also i had no reads on him as i didnt see any hands from him in a while
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Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 17, 2005
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If its short handed, and your opponent kept on capping the bets, its most likely he had a monster himself, as it is pretty obvious 2 pairs are common in short handed play, and i wouldnt cap it, unless im 100% sure i have the best hand, you could of checked called in my opinion but like you said you had no read whatsoever and it was hard to put him on a set ... :confused:


Silver Level
May 20, 2005
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I hate to say this Chuck because it's become a catchphrase on the Hand Analysis forum but...

Fold preflop.
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
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ChuckTs said:
Now is there any way i could really put this guy on this hand?

A couple of key moves:

1. Most people at low levels are so excited about seeing a flop for free that they only raise the very strongest of hands. Be wary of the BB raising.

2. You checkraise him on the flop and he 3-bets. This narrows his possible hand range, presuming it was fairly strong to begin with (see point 1) to AK, AA or KK.

3. You cap preflop. What do you suppose he thinks YOU have? Yet, when you bet the turn, he raises. You go to war, so I presume you 3-bet the turn. Then he must have capped, at which point - short of him being a total maniac - KK is the only hand left that he would have. Pocket aces would be much too afraid of a low set or two pair to be that gutsy on the turn.

So, before the turn card came, his range was AA, KK or AK - maybe KQ, if you want to be generous. But when he caps the turn, you must know you're drawing essentially dead.

When he raised the turn, I would have simply called down, and figuring that there was only a small chance that I was ahead, but pot odds would force me to.


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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F Paulsson said:

A couple of key moves:

1. Most people at low levels are so excited about seeing a flop for free that they only raise the very strongest of hands. Be wary of the BB raising.

this i realized, and that's where i put him on a top-5 hand

2. You checkraise him on the flop and he 3-bets. This narrows his possible hand range, presuming it was fairly strong to begin with (see point 1) to AK, AA or KK.

again i put him on one of these three because of his betting strength

3. You cap preflop. What do you suppose he thinks YOU have? Yet, when you bet the turn, he raises. You go to war, so I presume you 3-bet the turn. Then he must have capped, at which point - short of him being a total maniac - KK is the only hand left that he would have. Pocket aces would be much too afraid of a low set or two pair to be that gutsy on the turn.

^^which is very common, i might add ;)
the way everyone plays at those limits, in my experience, is push push push with top pair, without even top kicker

So, before the turn card came, his range was AA, KK or AK - maybe KQ, if you want to be generous. But when he caps the turn, you must know you're drawing essentially dead.

When he raised the turn, I would have simply called down, and figuring that there was only a small chance that I was ahead, but pot odds would force me to.

but this is where i lack the reading capabilities and awareness in LHE. In NL i can judge by the way one bets/how big his bet is/speed etc.
but Limit i have some trouble...i guess that just comes with experience

thanks for the input guys!

see bold


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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as for the table, it was 10-handed, not shorthanded, sexyacejoker
F Paulsson

F Paulsson

euro love
Silver Level
Aug 24, 2005
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Yes, maniacs are common. They're not overabundant (don't we wish) but they are out there. Still, the reason maniacs survive at all is because they get ridiculous action on the hands that they do hit hard.

But unless you know him to be a maniac, it's "call down"-mode after he raises the turn.

By the way, what was the turn card?


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2005
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the turn and river were 3 (i think - a blank either way, that didn't give flush or straight possibilities) and a T respectively


Silver Level
Oct 7, 2005
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1. Fold 68o pre-flop - it's behind unless you hit 2 pair, trips or a made straight, and none of these are at all common.
2. 2 pair is nice, but faced with very confident re-raising, you want to have the nut 2 pair at least.
3. Re-raising into that kind of aggression is only sensible if there's no concievable way the player can't have you beat.
4. Sounds like the river made a straight possible, although I'd probably discount that given the pre-flop raise.

Good ways to lose lots of money are to find your 2 pair is against trips... and it can be hard to get away from such a hand, but with that amount of raising it should be possible.
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