2nd on FTP freeroll...should i be happy?

Jesus Lederer

Jesus Lederer

Rock Star
Silver Level
May 9, 2005
Total posts
I tried to play my best online poker and it worked. I finished 2nd and won $8.50. I also tried to do my best to win a little reputation on this site (i like it really much, and maybe now my threads will have more than 2 replies lol). If someone read my thread "Even Jesus goes on tilt"(it´s on the third page i guess), in this freeroll happened something like the second situation i told. Early on the tourney i was down to $500, but i came back and stayed with like $5000 in the most time of the tourney. I was playing to place top 15, but then afeter of winning a couple of hands, i was playing to place 12,11,10,9,8 and so forth and forth till we were 5. i stayed most of the time in final table with like $20000, and there was a key hand with me having like $30000 against a guy (who ended first) with like $23000. I lost the hand (the other guy went all in and in the turn he hit the poker of 7s) and almost went on tilt. I was lucky because on the next hand a was dealt crap, so it was an easy fold and i had time to relax. I was ready to play at my normal level again, but i didn´t get any cards to play. When i was down to $4000, i was dealt 99. I was ready to go all in but a player with $7000 in first position went all in, and then the chip leader (with like $90000) called. I knew this was the time to laydown my hand and pray for the chip leader to win that hand. I folded and the first position player showed AK against 66 of the chip leader. An A came on the river. For the chip leader it was nothing, but for me it was a terrible hand. After some hands, my stack size raised to $8000, and in an unexpected hand, the player who had $14000 went all in preflop. The chipleader called. I don´t remember exactly the hand, but i know that the chipleader won. The chipleader now had $122000, i had $8000 and the other player had $30000. After a couple of hands, i had $10000. Then, on another unexpected hand, after the turn the other player went all in and the chipleader called. I only remember that the chipleader showed 7s fulls of As and won the hand. I couldn´t be more happy. After having $4000 and ready to place 5th, now i had the 2nd place and the chance of making an incredible comeback to win the tourney. Along the final table i specially put attention on the chipleader style (don´t know why), and i saw that he was a really easy player to bluff at, specially betting and reraising preflop. After some minutes, i had $55000, and was the underdog just by 1:2. I thought i was near to win the tourney, but then it happenned. I had $40000 and the chipleader had $120000. After lots of raises preflop, i went all in with QQ. I was glad when my opponent showed A10, because if i had won that hand we would be even in chips, but an A came in the flop. I finished 2nd.
Now after a few hours later, my brain tells me that i made a good tourney and won $8.50 (i know it´s nothing, but money is money), but my heart is still telling that i was really near to win that tourney.
Well, that´s all. Maybe it´s a long story for only a freeroll, but for me any poker tourney matters.
I cannot wait till the next freeroll comes, and this time i´m gonna win it! :D


Silver Level
Oct 19, 2004
Total posts
Well played, I had to miss this one which is a shame as I am a big fan of Full Tilt.

Keep chipping away and you will soon get a winners title under your name ;]


Silver Level
May 18, 2005
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I came 5th in a free roll on Jetset on Saturday, it was a really nice feeling as I've only been playing for a month or so. For a good portion of the tournament I was chip leader! but then the rot set in the short stacked player went all-in and I called with AKc to his 88 and lost, and it seemed to be all downhill from then on! The short stack went from last to first in 6 hands

Oh well I won $7.20 for my trouble


Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 23, 2005
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Jesus Lederer said:
I tried to play my best online poker and it worked. I finished 2nd and won $8.50. I also tried to do my best to win a little reputation on this site (i like it really much, and maybe now my threads will have more than 2 replies lol). If someone read my thread "Even Jesus goes on tilt"(it´s on the third page i guess), in this freeroll happened something like the second situation i told. Early on the tourney i was down to $500, but i came back and stayed with like $5000 in the most time of the tourney. I was playing to place top 15, but then afeter of winning a couple of hands, i was playing to place 12,11,10,9,8 and so forth and forth till we were 5. i stayed most of the time in final table with like $20000, and there was a key hand with me having like $30000 against a guy (who ended first) with like $23000. I lost the hand (the other guy went all in and in the turn he hit the poker of 7s) and almost went on tilt. I was lucky because on the next hand a was dealt crap, so it was an easy fold and i had time to relax. I was ready to play at my normal level again, but i didn´t get any cards to play. When i was down to $4000, i was dealt 99. I was ready to go all in but a player with $7000 in first position went all in, and then the chip leader (with like $90000) called. I knew this was the time to laydown my hand and pray for the chip leader to win that hand. I folded and the first position player showed AK against 66 of the chip leader. An A came on the river. For the chip leader it was nothing, but for me it was a terrible hand. After some hands, my stack size raised to $8000, and in an unexpected hand, the player who had $14000 went all in preflop. The chipleader called. I don´t remember exactly the hand, but i know that the chipleader won. The chipleader now had $122000, i had $8000 and the other player had $30000. After a couple of hands, i had $10000. Then, on another unexpected hand, after the turn the other player went all in and the chipleader called. I only remember that the chipleader showed 7s fulls of As and won the hand. I couldn´t be more happy. After having $4000 and ready to place 5th, now i had the 2nd place and the chance of making an incredible comeback to win the tourney. Along the final table i specially put attention on the chipleader style (don´t know why), and i saw that he was a really easy player to bluff at, specially betting and reraising preflop. After some minutes, i had $55000, and was the underdog just by 1:2. I thought i was near to win the tourney, but then it happenned. I had $40000 and the chipleader had $120000. After lots of raises preflop, i went all in with QQ. I was glad when my opponent showed A10, because if i had won that hand we would be even in chips, but an A came in the flop. I finished 2nd.
Now after a few hours later, my brain tells me that i made a good tourney and won $8.50 (i know it´s nothing, but money is money), but my heart is still telling that i was really near to win that tourney.
Well, that´s all. Maybe it´s a long story for only a freeroll, but for me any poker tourney matters.
I cannot wait till the next freeroll comes, and this time i´m gonna win it! :D
You should be proud to be in the money!


Silver Level
May 25, 2005
Total posts
good for you love to hear of players winning on the different rooms of poker congrats .. because no matter what the stakes r whether they b for 150.000 or for 150.00 a win is a win and like you just won the wsop of poker to me because you have to start somewhere ...


Silver Level
Apr 24, 2005
Total posts
Congratulations :) LOL yes like Tiger woods would say "2nd sucks" yet in this situation I would say for it to be grand :)