Anyone ever play at pure play?



Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 19, 2012
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I wasn't really interested in subscription sites, but my aunt played here for a long time and convinced me to sign up for it. I'm a freeroller, so I didn't like the idea of putting any of my own money into a poker site.

So anyways, signed up for a free membership, won $10. The software is crappy, but the play is soft, so I decided to sign up for the VIP membership. It gives me something to do at work where I'm not risking any money.

Here's where I'm starting to get frustrated, and I would appreciate anyone else sharing their experiences. To claim your first prize you have to actually mail in paperwork. I mailed in the paperwork 3 weeks ago and it took over a week for the status to change to "processed", but I still haven't received a check. My first Carbon cashout went faster than this. So how have your experiences been with casing out? Any other experiences that would be helpful?

When I signed up for the VIP membership. I got the first month for $1, so I'm giving it a month. I'm about a week into my first month of VIP. If I haven't made $25 or gotten my first check by the time the first month is up I'll be canceling the membership.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 19, 2012
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So, I received my check after a month. How is a "legal" site so slow with their cashouts?? Carbon took me 2 1/2 weeks, and Bovada took 6 days. I haven't won anything else. 12 more days until I win $15 or cancel my subscription.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 11, 2014
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Play for free on PurePlay

You can play for free by using the "Offline Method of Entry". Go to the PurePlay website and click on "Terms and Conditions" . Go to #4 "Methods of Entry for Free Cash Tournaments" , section b. "Daily Cash Tournaments and Qualifying Tournaments", sub section II. "Mail in Entries". Follow the instructions and mail them your info. It is slow and you have to do it every month you want to play but it is free. It's worth it just to try for the wsop prize. Good luck.(Club WPT has a "Alternate Form of Entry" to play for free also.):)


Silver Level
Mar 19, 2014
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I've played there for a good 6 months now, I use to play Club WPT, but I just cant stand their web based browser game that and having Facebook constantly shoved down my throat every chance they get through their Email spams, Started out as a basic player and after my first money win on a $2000 weekly I started a subscription I've hit money 4 times since then, they're a little slow sending out a check but they have always paid out at least PurePlay still has a client that you can play on and be able to see (for the most part) multiple tables, can't resize the table windows though, *grrrr* though when you have multiple tables open and you run into script errors from time to time.
John A

John A

Poker Zion Coach
Silver Level
Apr 12, 2012
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I could probably look it up somewhere, but what network is pure play on?


Pugs Not Drugs
Silver Level
Jun 8, 2013
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I tried it about 2 years ago but couldn't stand the software.


Silver Level
Sep 28, 2013
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I've played there for a good 6 months now, I use to play Club WPT, but I just cant stand their web based browser game that and having Facebook constantly shoved down my throat every chance they get through their Email spams, Started out as a basic player and after my first money win on a $2000 weekly I started a subscription I've hit money 4 times since then, they're a little slow sending out a check but they have always paid out at least PurePlay still has a client that you can play on and be able to see (for the most part) multiple tables, can't resize the table windows though, *grrrr* though when you have multiple tables open and you run into script errors from time to time.

You do know that a simply email to support would have gotten them to send you a link to download the CLUBWPT client right? You didn't have to play through the web interface....I just thought you should know that.

What I don't like about the subscription sites is that when you are playing for big prizes, you are playing against like 5000 people......Whenever the field consists of that many people the luck factor goes WAY UP. This is especially the case when stack sizes start at 2000 chips and blinds go up every 10 minutes......I think the more players there are, the higher your starting chipstack should be and the longer blind levels should be. Because the more players there are, the harder it is to cash so by increasing the blind levels you will have a tournament in which the best players truly do have a chance to prevail. I would be all for increasing the blind levels to 30 minutes and the starting chipstack to around $20,000 when the field of players is 5,000 or more.


Silver Level
Sep 28, 2013
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PUREPLAY is probably the worst poker site I have ever played on. The standalone software is basically a browser hidden as a proprietary software. I won $25 on there once and after that I couldn't get a hand to go my way. They sent me a check that did cash properly. I think it took like a month and a half for me to get the check.

Of the two major subscription-based poker sites I would say CLUBWPT is preferable. The software they use is the same software Ultimate Bet used to use before the GOD MODE SCANDAL. So I might be weary about using that software if GOD MODE is still possible but the customer service reps at CLUBWPT have assured me that that "hole in the software" has been patched. Who knows though what the truth is?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 19, 2012
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You can play for free by using the "Offline Method of Entry". Go to the PurePlay website and click on "Terms and Conditions" . Go to #4 "Methods of Entry for Free Cash Tournaments" , section b. "Daily Cash Tournaments and Qualifying Tournaments", sub section II. "Mail in Entries". Follow the instructions and mail them your info. It is slow and you have to do it every month you want to play but it is free. It's worth it just to try for the WSOP prize. Good luck.(Club WPT has a "Alternate Form of Entry" to play for free also.):)

That's awesome!! Thanks for pointing that out! If I get desperate I'll do that, but right now it's just easier (and probably more profitable) to stick with real sites.

I've played there for a good 6 months now, I use to play Club WPT, but I just cant stand their web based browser game that and having Facebook constantly shoved down my throat every chance they get through their Email spams, Started out as a basic player and after my first money win on a $2000 weekly I started a subscription I've hit money 4 times since then, they're a little slow sending out a check but they have always paid out at least PurePlay still has a client that you can play on and be able to see (for the most part) multiple tables, can't resize the table windows though, *grrrr* though when you have multiple tables open and you run into script errors from time to time.

I'm on a mac, so I have to play on the browser based client anyways. I hate how short the timer is to make decisions. It's a real pain in the arse to mult-table, but I did it anyways since it felt like playing non-stop freerolls.

Anyways, I didn't make anything else in 30 days, so I cancelled my membership. There was a lovely little link to click, and that link told me to call a number between 10-7 est m-f. I call the number I have to leave a voicemail giving my screen name and e-mail address (but not my actual name) to cancel my membership. It was definitely a run around, but it was cancelled properly.


Silver Level
Mar 19, 2014
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You do know that a simply email to support would have gotten them to send you a link to download the CLUBWPT client right? You didn't have to play through the web interface....I just thought you should know that.

What I don't like about the subscription sites is that when you are playing for big prizes, you are playing against like 5000 people......Whenever the field consists of that many people the luck factor goes WAY UP. This is especially the case when stack sizes start at 2000 chips and blinds go up every 10 minutes......I think the more players there are, the higher your starting chipstack should be and the longer blind levels should be. Because the more players there are, the harder it is to cash so by increasing the blind levels you will have a tournament in which the best players truly do have a chance to prevail. I would be all for increasing the blind levels to 30 minutes and the starting chip stack to around $20,000 when the field of players is 5,000 or more.
"Back in the day" I use to play on ClubWPT client then one day it stopped working and I did email them, they politely replied and requested me to start using the web based one on a regular and that the "client wasn't maintained anymore". (or something to that effect)

I hate how short the timer is to make decisions. It's a real pain in the arse to mult-table, but I did it anyways since it felt like playing non-stop freerolls.

Yeah, the timers are short there and there is no call for extra time, but one thing I noticed there are a lot of "players" that are "clock burners" there, they kick you after sitting out 10 hands, so they burn the clock and un-check the "sit out next hand" when they get tagged as a work around. IMO it's a poor strategy (burning the clock) and un-sportsman like to say the least.
Carl Trooper

Carl Trooper

Degenerate Idiot
Silver Level
Aug 23, 2012
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Very frustrating software!

I actually play 1-2x a week just for the hell of it to see if I can win a WSOP satty seat.

I don't try but if I happen to go deep in one of the tourneys so be it. Usually its 1 player gets a semi final ticket and ~60-90 people enter.

Take the semi final and win that... you have a shot for a 10k seat (against 1000 people)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 19, 2011
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I have been a member of several of these free poker sites like Pure Play, Attack Poker, and others and it seems like you have to wade through all kinds of craziness to make it far into a tourny, so it almost seems like free play mode at the regular sites and i won't do that. But no that i hear they do pay out i might try a wee bit harder, thanks for the thread.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 17, 2014
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I put my information on the site and they send me things in the mail... It has slowed down now but it was a little annoying because I never even played or deposited on the site


Silver Level
Sep 28, 2013
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"Back in the day" I use to play on ClubWPT client then one day it stopped working and I did email them, they politely replied and requested me to start using the web based one on a regular and that the "client wasn't maintained anymore". (or something to that effect)

I COULD NOT STAND the web-based client. I never had any problems with the standalone application but if I had and I had contacted support perhaps they would have told me the same thing.

And if the client is no longer maintained, then this would ring a bell in my own mind about possible security issues. So people are probably better off to stay away from CLUBWPT if they are not actively maintaining the client
Carl Trooper

Carl Trooper

Degenerate Idiot
Silver Level
Aug 23, 2012
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I actually just won the wsop qualifier last night and have a semi final ticket. Hoping to win that and get into the final.


Jul 27, 2007
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Congrats with the win Carl Trooper...and no, I have not heard of pure, so it was interesting reading this thread..thx for the info!


Silver Level
Sep 28, 2013
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I actually just won the wsop qualifier last night and have a semi final ticket. Hoping to win that and get into the final.

If they regularly send players to the WSOP should this information not be publicized online somewhere? I have not heard or read anything about PUREPLAY.COM sending players to the WSOP....i've searched the internet as well and i found just one person that they had ever sent there: Douglas H. Clark in 2008.

I'm just curious about why they would not publicize this every year and mention the names of the new players that have been sent to the WSOP.

Something smells fishy about the whole thing actually...
Carl Trooper

Carl Trooper

Degenerate Idiot
Silver Level
Aug 23, 2012
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If they regularly send players to the WSOP should this information not be publicized online somewhere? I have not heard or read anything about PUREPLAY.COM sending players to the WSOP....i've searched the internet as well and i found just one person that they had ever sent there: Douglas H. Clark in 2008.

I'm just curious about why they would not publicize this every year and mention the names of the new players that have been sent to the WSOP.

Something smells fishy about the whole thing actually...

Just used my semi ticket and won out of 93 for the final!

Now I will have a shot to win the ME seat!

And the reason is, if you win you get a 10k seat.... or you can take 2500$ cash.

I would assume most players probably take the cash since they don't pay for travel or anything.

If I won, I would def take the seat... always wanted to play the main.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 4, 2014
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I have played at Pureplay poker as a Players Club member, ($24.99 mo.) for over two years now. I am an experienced poker player. By that, I mean that I have been playing for several years and have won a considerable amount of money. I can guarantee you that the site is not only rigged, although I am unsure exactly the amount of house players on the site who work for PP. The site can NOT possibly give away the amout they say they do with the amount of paying players they have. And, furthermore, the top 100 board is completely bogus!! Why do I say this? I have played most of the players on that board for the past almpst three years and there is no possible way that they have accumulated the amount that it states they have won..NOT POSSIBLE. There are very limited cash games..$1000/$500 week nights along with small $100/$50 and a few $300. One of the cash games includes top prize of a free annual membership. Anyway, the players on top of the leader board who apparantly have won $12, 000 plus..I have never seen win even one cash game in almost 3 years and I play all of the "bigger" ones. It is not physically possible. The amount of suc outs on the river..also impossible!!! I could go on and on and on..but I will warn you to stear clear of this site!!! Many members's all just fun..guess what?? These are a few of the house players who know that they will win when they shove all in with 3 7 off and in..miraculously they hit!! They change their names..some to very obviously similar names..when you are not allowed to do so. So, how do they do this?? Again, I could go on and on and on, bit if you want to line someones pocket with your $25 go for it. You will NEVER make that $25 back in a month. I have won a grand total of $85 in almost 3 years and again, I am an experienced player. Do not waste your time. I finally said thats it and quit. I oved on to Clubwpt..also a bad site. Now, I just play at casinos where I can actually win and know that it is not a bunch of rigged bs. Anyone on here who says otherwise about Pureplay..don't buy it. Gdet their screen name and check them out..they are def a house player. It is totally 100 percent rigged and setup. You WILL NOT WIN>


Platinum Level
Jul 21, 2007
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I have played at Pureplay poker as a Players Club member, ($24.99 mo.) for over two years now. I am an experienced poker player. By that, I mean that I have been playing for several years and have won a considerable amount of money. I can guarantee you that the site is not only rigged, although I am unsure exactly the amount of house players on the site who work for PP. The site can NOT possibly give away the amout they say they do with the amount of paying players they have. And, furthermore, the top 100 board is completely bogus!! Why do I say this? I have played most of the players on that board for the past almpst three years and there is no possible way that they have accumulated the amount that it states they have won..NOT POSSIBLE. There are very limited cash games..$1000/$500 week nights along with small $100/$50 and a few $300. One of the cash games includes top prize of a free annual membership. Anyway, the players on top of the leader board who apparantly have won $12, 000 plus..I have never seen win even one cash game in almost 3 years and I play all of the "bigger" ones. It is not physically possible. The amount of suc outs on the river..also impossible!!! I could go on and on and on..but I will warn you to stear clear of this site!!! Many members's all just fun..guess what?? These are a few of the house players who know that they will win when they shove all in with 3 7 off and in..miraculously they hit!! They change their names..some to very obviously similar names..when you are not allowed to do so. So, how do they do this?? Again, I could go on and on and on, bit if you want to line someones pocket with your $25 go for it. You will NEVER make that $25 back in a month. I have won a grand total of $85 in almost 3 years and again, I am an experienced player. Do not waste your time. I finally said thats it and quit. I oved on to Clubwpt..also a bad site. Now, I just play at casinos where I can actually win and know that it is not a bunch of rigged bs. Anyone on here who says otherwise about Pureplay..don't buy it. Gdet their screen name and check them out..they are def a house player. It is totally 100 percent rigged and setup. You WILL NOT WIN>

OMG online poker is rigged, what am I going to do now. :bird:



Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 19, 2012
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I have played at Pureplay poker as a Players Club member, ($24.99 mo.) for over two years now. I am an experienced poker player. By that, I mean that I have been playing for several years and have won a considerable amount of money. I can guarantee you that the site is not only rigged, although I am unsure exactly the amount of house players on the site who work for PP. The site can NOT possibly give away the amout they say they do with the amount of paying players they have. And, furthermore, the top 100 board is completely bogus!! Why do I say this? I have played most of the players on that board for the past almpst three years and there is no possible way that they have accumulated the amount that it states they have won..NOT POSSIBLE. There are very limited cash games..$1000/$500 week nights along with small $100/$50 and a few $300. One of the cash games includes top prize of a free annual membership. Anyway, the players on top of the leader board who apparantly have won $12, 000 plus..I have never seen win even one cash game in almost 3 years and I play all of the "bigger" ones. It is not physically possible. The amount of suc outs on the river..also impossible!!! I could go on and on and on..but I will warn you to stear clear of this site!!! Many members's all just fun..guess what?? These are a few of the house players who know that they will win when they shove all in with 3 7 off and in..miraculously they hit!! They change their names..some to very obviously similar names..when you are not allowed to do so. So, how do they do this?? Again, I could go on and on and on, bit if you want to line someones pocket with your $25 go for it. You will NEVER make that $25 back in a month. I have won a grand total of $85 in almost 3 years and again, I am an experienced player. Do not waste your time. I finally said thats it and quit. I oved on to Clubwpt..also a bad site. Now, I just play at casinos where I can actually win and know that it is not a bunch of rigged bs. Anyone on here who says otherwise about Pureplay..don't buy it. Gdet their screen name and check them out..they are def a house player. It is totally 100 percent rigged and setup. You WILL NOT WIN>

Why did you dump almost $900 in subscription fees if you only won $85?? I quit after the first month (that I only paid $1 for) because I didn't win $25.


Jun 1, 2014
Total posts
I might add. I played poker room BallPoker six months.It was good freerolls and won 400 euros. But when put on the withdrawal of 300 euros I got nothing. And go back to the poker room could not. My password was not the right one. No action by any change of password impossible to produce.I wrote a letter of complaint to this site to the organization issuing the license sorted out this site. The answer came that sorted out. It took half a year. Dosih silence. I went to the poker room as a guest and see that the site still works. My money that I brought it remained at the poker room.


Silver Level
May 18, 2014
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Patience and perseverance are what you need.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jan 8, 2016
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Pure play is scam site, they never pay their prizes for prize cliaim...i am sending email to about for one year to get claim my prize, they even not sending is big scam...


Silver Level
Dec 4, 2017
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Easier to play cash only